A.J. Davis to Don Sorchych
Mr. Sorchych, 12/05/09
My name is A.J. Davis… I'm sure you know who I am! I would like to clarify a few items that you conveniently left out of your article titled: Misdirected protest shoots messenger, disregards facts. I don’t recall you ever interviewing me about my views regarding the protest or your paper, but I do recall a couple of people going to your office to get your opinion about what was occurring across the street. You were "supposedly" unavailable for comment. If you would have spoken to me personally, you would have found out that the protest was not about the K-3 override or a debate on taxes, in fact not one sign at the protest mentioned the Override. The protest was to bring awareness to you and your paper that your half truth reporting and name calling hurts not only CCUSD but the community, AS A WHOLE! Speaking of half truths, that is exactly what you reported in the article mentioned above, confirming my reasoning to protest! Some of your half truths/lies in the article include:
1. You stating that I don’t read the Sonoran News. That is a COMPLETE lie!! I have read it several times and every time I turn the page, I get more and more disgusted with what you print about CCUSD as well as some of the businesses and people you attack!
2. The closing of my letter was not "Please don't hesitate to contact my parents". It was "Please don't hesitate to contact my parents or myself". Once again, if you would have spoken to me, you would have realized that I only put my parent's e-mail in there so people would know that they were supporting me in this cause.
3. If you would have come out of your office sometime during the protest, you would have seen that there were more than 35 people supporting me! The AZ Republic, as well as others, counted 75 people. At one time, there were up to 93 present, NOT including, as you so coldly stated, "babies in strollers and pre-schoolers" both of whom were unable to participate.
4. In your editorial section, you said I did not have permission to use the Buffalo Chip Saloon for holding the protest. I never asked the Buffalo Chip for permission. The only request of them was for overflow parking, which was granted.
I believe a retraction AND an apology are necessary. If you would have been smart about it (then again is that even possible for someone like you??) you would have congratulated me on my right of Free Speech instead of comparing me to past students in a vulgar manner. Obviously this protest had a large impact on your inflated ego and you just had to make sure you tore me down, even if I am only 14! I believe that shows more about your shallow character than anything else.
~A.J. Davis