Carefree Town Council Meeting: 11/10/15




WHEN:    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2015   


TIME:    5:00 P.M.

Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council of the Town of Carefree, Arizona and to the general public that the members of the Town Council will hold a meeting open to the public at the Carefree Town Hall Council Chambers located at 100 Easy Street, in Carefree, Arizona.

For any item listed on the agenda, the Council may vote to go into Executive Sessions for advice of counsel and/or to discuss records and information exempt by law or rule from public inspection, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues §38-431.03.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:



One or more members of the Council may be unable to attend the meeting in person and may participate by technological means or methods pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431(4).



All items listed hereunder are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be discussed separately:

ITEM #1    Approval of the October 1, 2015 Meeting Minutes for Executive Session.

ITEM #2    Approval of the October 6, 2015 Regular Town Council Meeting Minutes.

ITEM #3    Acceptance into the public record of the October, 2015 paid bills.

ITEM #4    Acceptance of the cash receipts and disbursements report for September, 2015.


ITEM #5    Call to the Public: Consideration of comments from the public. Pursuant to Section 2-4-7(G) of the Town Code and A.R.S. 38-431.01(H), those wishing to address the Council need not request permission in advance. The public may address the Council on matters not on the agenda. At the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the public body may respond to criticism

    made by those who have addressed the public body, may ask staff to review a matter, direct staff to study the matter, reschedule the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date, or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. However, the Council may not discuss or take legal action at this time. Please limit your comments to not more than 3 minutes.

ITEM #6    Current Events.

ITEM #7    Review, discussion and possible action regarding the 2014-2015 fiscal year Town             of Carefree Audit, Expenditure Limitation Report and Financial Review,                 including the June, July and August, 2015 Cash Receipts and Disbursements             Reports restated with the Auditors’ changes. 

        A representative from the firm of HintonBurdick, PLLC will attend                 telephonically.

ITEM #8    Review, discussion and possible action to approve a single-family residential     subdivision located on approximately 10 acres generally west of the southwest     corner of Pima Road and Cave Creek   More specifically, Maricopa County     Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 216-26-177B, 216-26-177D, and a portion of 216-26-    827.

        A:     Eastwood:  Minor General Plan Amendment

            Case # 15-05-GP

            Applicant:  Mr. Jeff King

            Keystone Homes

            4025 S. McClintock Drive, Suite 209

            Tempe, AZ  85282

A public hearing to consider a request for a Minor General Plan Amendment from the existing land use categories of Garden Office (GO) and Low Density Residential (LDR) to Moderate Density Residential (MDR) to allow for a 39 lot, detached single-family residential  subdivision.

        B:      Eastwood:  Rezone

            Case #15-06-RZ


            Applicant:  Mr. Jeff King

            Keystone Homes

            4025 S. McClintock Drive, Suite 209

            Tempe, AZ  85282

A public hearing to consider a request to rezone above referenced property from General Office (GO) and Rural-43 Single-Family Residential (Rural-43) to a Residential Unit Planned Development (RUPD) to allow for a 39 lot, detached single-family residential subdivision.

        C:     Eastwood:  Preliminary Plat

        Case #15-07-PP


            Applicant:  Mr. Jeff King

            Keystone Homes

            4025 S. McClintock Drive, Suite 209

            Tempe, AZ  85282

Discussion, consideration, and possible action to subdivide above referenced property for a 39 lot detached, single-family residential subdivision named Eastwood. The plat consists of lots and private tracts for gated streets, landscaping, open space, drainage, and utilities. 

ITEM #9    Review, discussion and possible action to approve a collaborative agreement by             the Arizona Corporation Commission, Liberty Utilities, the Boulders Resort,             the Boulders Homeowners Association, and the Town of Carefree. The                 Agreement of all of the parties makes changes to the Liberty wastewater                 collection and     treatment system which will enable the Liberty system to operate             effectively and efficiently over the long term. This agreement is subject to final             approval from the Corporation Commission and the withdrawal of an existing             appeal by the owner of the Boulders Resort vs. the Arizona Corporation                 Commission before the Arizona Court of Appeals.

ITEM #10    Town Council updates as follows:

  1. 1.Administrative

  2. 2.Town Center Identification/Architectural

  3. 3.Liberty/BMS sewer costs

  4. 4.Land Use/Planning

ITEM #11    Adjournment.

DATED this 5th day of November, 2015


BY:                                                Kandace French, Town Clerk

Items may be taken out of sequence


Please contact the Town Clerk, 8 Sundial Circle  (PO Box 740), Carefree, AZ 85377; (480) 488-3686, at least three working days prior to the meeting if you require special accommodations due to a disability.