Carefree Truth #202


Carefree Truth

Issue #202, November 20, 2012




After some opening remarks, during which he thanked ex-Councilwoman Susan Vanik for organizing the first Carefree Salute to Veterans, Councilman Arthur Gimson thanked everyone for coming and requested that we all stand for the Presentation of Colors, performed by Cactus Shadows High School students who are members of the Arizona Heritage Project. Mayor David Schwan then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. April Manchester-Miller, who has a glorious voice, sang the National Anthem.




Councilman Gimson introduced the day's Master of Ceremonies, Ted Dimon, who thanked the students and introduced their history teacher Barbara Hatch. Ms. Hatch won the 2012 Teacher of the Year Award, the Copper Sword which is the highest civilian award from the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame, and the Daughters of the American Revolution's Mary Smith Lockwood Founders Metal for Education.




Ms. Hatch thanked the Town for honoring her students by allowing them to be the Color Guard. She explained that Veteran's Day was established in 1926, when an Unknown Soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, and that it became a national holiday in 1926 by Congressional decree. By speaking with veterans, The Heritage Project helps students learn to avoid more wars, or to fight the ones that need to be fought. Addressing the many veterans in the audience she said, "Freedom is a gift and comes at a price; one you paid for them."




The Arizona Heritage Project began at Cactus Shadows H.S. in 2003 with a grant from the Salt River Project. They documented the Cave Creek Christmas Pageant, helping to renew interest in it. In 2004, they joined the Veteran's History Project which documents veterans' stories for the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., where 85,000 memories are stored. Over 500 of those stories have been collected by our local chapter. The Cactus Shadows students produced the Heritage Quilt, which consists of pieces of fabric hand signed by veterans, then stitched together. It was on display at the event.




The purpose of this organization is to connect students with American veterans, inspiring appreciation in our youth of American values and the challenges of preserving our democracy. It has grown into 13 chapters in Arizona, and 1 in Maryland. They dream of adding more in Arizona, and of becoming a national program. The Heritage Project is a non-profit organization, and Ms. Hatch expressed gratitude to those who have donated to the program or have dedicated tax credits to it. Volume #9 of the book series, "Since You Asked", is now available.




Ms. Hatch ended by thanking Arthur Gimson for organizing this year's event, and thanking the Town of Carefree and the Carefree Kiwanis for starting the Salute to Veterans event 4 years ago. She also thanked Tod Schweikert, who started the first Chapter in a Paradise Valley Middle School.



Lyn Hitchon




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