Carefree Truth #219


Carefree Truth

Issue #219, February 17, 2013




"Meet the Candidates Night" was sponsored by the Carefree Resort and Villas, and Carefree Truth, with the City Sun Times as the Media Sponsor. The event was held on February 11th in the Opera House at the Resort, and was attended by all the Carefree Council candidates.




Moderator Tim Reilly asked the first question, which had been given to the candidates in advance. "The Town is in good financial shape, with no debt and a cash surplus. What are your plans to keep us on this path, and what are your priorities going forward?"




Mayor David Schwan said we must keep Carefree carefree. General Plan 2030 provides a good road map of how to move forward, maintaining the residential areas and improving the commercial areas. The Town should keep expenditures within the income level. Carefree must concentrate on bringing more and vibrant businesses into Town. Festivals bring people, and having more people attracts more businesses. The Mayor feels that Carefree needs to continue doing what it's doing, building and improving on it.




Councilman John Crane said the key to maintaining financial success is fiscally conservative management. Spend money wisely on core programs for the Town, maintain a healthy reserve, and promote a positive atmosphere in which businesses thrive.




Councilman Michael Farrar said we must live within our means, showing fiduciary stewardship and oversight of the limited Town resources. He opposes a property tax and favors exploring alternative funding mechanisms. The Town should foster business prosperity while maintaining the lifestyle currently enjoyed. He favors relaxing permit fees to attract new businesses.




Michael Krahe felt the key to future success is building a plan to attract businesses. He said the building blocks are in place, and that he would like to form a plan involving specifics, with participation from all sectors, and that his background is in doing so.




Councilman Glenn Miller pointed out that there is in excess of 5 million dollars in the reserve fund. He thanked past Councils for the good shape of the Town and for sharing their experience and knowledge with Council members who followed them. He sited conservative planning and values, which involve prioritizing capital projects and saving for them. The philosophy "pay as you go" has worked well. He said that an updated Long Range Financial Plan, created by a volunteer citizen committee with financial sector experience, was recently approved by the Council. This plan will be utilized in the upcoming fiscal year budget process.




Les Peterson sited his marketing background. He felt that it is vital when preparing a budget, to perform annual planning which analyzes and identifys problems, and to develop solutions. He said that process is already in place. He opposes property tax, fees, and bonds. The Town must live within its budget, spending wisely on projects that benefit the entire town.




Councilwoman Melissa Price said the Council needs to work as a team, reviewing the Profit and Loss statement each month. If the money isn't there, it can't be spent. It is important to be aware of the financial and operational matrix, comparing the past and present. Being mindful of total costs will keep Carefree on a financially sound path. She favors an economic development plan to increase sales tax revenue. She opposes a property tax, and wants to maintain the charm of the Town.




Councilman Marty Saltzman agreed with the statements made by the previous candidates, and added that the council must remain flexible. If new information is discovered, Council members must be willing to change their minds. He said it is important to listen to the community. But most important of all is not to get "decision locked", afraid to make any decisions for fear of criticism or of being wrong. Decisions can be changed if the desired results are not achieved. He also stressed the importance of keeping a healthy reserve, since Carefree doesn't have property taxes.




Candidates' answers to the 3 panelists' questions will be following in the next days, as well as the closing statements.



Lyn Hitchon





Prepared by Carefree Truth

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