Carefree Truth #246


Carefree Truth

Issue #246, May 10, 2013





Mayor David Schwan announced that this was Councilman Arthur Gimson's last regular meeting.  He was elected in 2011, and was involved the implementation of several major projects during his term of office, including the new street signs and the banners on the gaslamps in the downtown area.  The Mayor presented Mr. Gimson with an award and thanked him for his service to the Town.




Mr. Gimson thanked his wife Patti for her support over many years. He is looking forward to getting back to the extensive volunteer work with the Foothills Caring Corps. in which he engaged before joining the Council.  On that note, he encouraged everyone to visit the Caring Corps. office to purchase a Basha's Community Support Card.  The buyer "loads" the card by prepaying a specific amount which can then be redeemed by shopping at any Basha's.  He pointed out that if the Carefree Basha's is used, Carefree gets the sales tax revenue.  The card can be reloaded and used as often as desired.  Basha's donates 6% of all sales made using this program to the Caring Corps.



He missed the last regular meeting and the budget workshop because he was out of town, but watching the videos in Carefree Truth gave him a much better feel for what happened at those meetings than did simply reading the minutes.  He said,  "My thanks to Lyn and Dr. Herbie for all that you do to keep us fully informed".



"I first ran for office because I didn't like the rancor and the bickering  from 3/7 of the Council that was then holding office."  His wish was to see a Council that could disagree without being disagreeable, and he thinks this Council achieved that objective.  Mr. Gimson thanked Mayor Schwan, "for his leadership and ongoing tireless efforts on behalf of the Town", and thanked his colleagues as well.   Accomplishments made during the past 2 years include new merchant signs, restoration of the sundial, new street signs, free WiFi for residents and visitors, and the banner program to brighten the downtown and keep people informed, as well as the addition of new faux gas lamps and improved lighting in the Gardens.  He is confident that the next Council will keep up the good work.



He thanked Betsy Wise and wished her well in her retirement.  "I could not have chaired the Salute our Veterans events without the tremendous assistance of D.J. Stapley."  He thanked "Mr. Money", Jim Keen, "who was more than helpful whenever I needed answers".  "To this Town Staff, with their many hats, my thanks!"  "To Michael Wright, the Town's legal council, thank you for your efforts to keep me on the straight and narrow path", and to Councilman Marty Saltzman "for keeping everyone focused".  He ended by thanking Gary Neiss.  



Mr. Gimson was the marketing liaison, and felt Carefree needs marketing and needs more of it, but pointed out that it is not the Town's responsibility to advertise individual businesses.  The sundial is iconic and he never sees a day go by when people aren't gathered around it looking and taking pictures.  The sundial and the magnificent Gardens should be focal points in the marketing campaign.  



He says the Town should consider implementing a $150 per building service fee to help offset the cost of the town-wide fire protection contract with Rural/Metro.  As an example, he revealed that his R/M subscription cost was $500 in 2005.  After paying $150, he would still be $350 ahead, plus the $200 a year savings on homeowner's insurance which came about due to the improved IOS rating Carefree received for having the fire protection contract.



He is in favor of the three potential capital improvement projects for the downtown, but does not encourage taking money from the reserves for them.  "Doctor Herbie and I are follicly challenged.  My priority would be on the amphitheater. We need the shade treatment."  It would help to mitigate both hot and cold, and will lengthen the season for events.  "And the Kiwanis Club may not have to worry as much whether the rain would be a problem for their pancake breakfast."



Mr. Gimson ended by thanking everybody for allowing him the serve.  Mayor Schwan said, "Again, sir, thank you for your service to the Town.  Well done, sir!"  



Lyn Hitchon



"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." - Goethe




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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