Carefree Truth #248


Carefree Truth

Issue #248, May 21, 2013





Margo and Russ Wittenberg spoke at Call to the Public in opposition of the proposed projects for the Gardens.  Mrs. Wittenburg said that there have been many changes on the national and international level, that America is on the verge of national bankruptcy and financial collapse.  She stated that unless things are done now to stop the spending and over regulation, we are doomed to become a banana republic, a Fascist state that has already made us debt slaves to the private Central Bank.  We don't have to imitate them on a local level, trying to spend ourselves into prosperity without the benefit of the Fed's printing press to print unconstitutional Federal Reserve notes.  She pointed out that there is no mention in the Constitution of Federal Reserve notes. Improvements, other than the roads and the library, are just a subsidy with taxpayers' money.  She was especially opposed to the splash pad.




Mr. Wittenberg said they helped found Carefree in 1984, and designed the Town Seal.  He then asked, "Who was the genius or geniuses that dreamed up this set of ideas of just how to bring prosperity to Carefree?"  He questioned if anyone was aware of the country and world financial condition that is not being reported honestly by the mainstream media or either main political party, and stated that, "the debt picture is so huge as to defy human comprehension", "hanging like the Sword of Damocles that could go any minute".  "And you guys want to add to that insanity?  Give me a break!"  "Is anyone aware of the possibility that there could be a WWIII very close?  Evidently, you don't seem to understand that.  Why aren't we talking about contingency plans to a possible Marshall Law, just like what happened in Boston, and/or defending our citizens against possible predatory government, spending our country into bankruptcy, and stop adding to the spending insanity?"  He asked if any of the Council members would invest their own money into any of these proposals.  "Do you run your own personal finances the way you run this town, and the way you're trying to spend us into more debt?"  He asked how the Town proposes to pay for all this insanity.  "Sounds like something that comes out of Washington, D.C. every single day."




I approached the podium and expressed my respect for the Wittenbergs' efforts on behalf of Carefree during the 1984 incorporation.  I said it seemed they didn't realize that the money included in the budget for these projects would not be spent unless the money for them materialized.  They are simply included as possibilities, and are not commitments to spend.  Carefree is a pay-as-you-go town, has no debt, and has a healthy reserve.



Lyn Hitchon





Prepared by Carefree Truth

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