Carefree Truth #251


Carefree Truth

Issue #251, May 28, 2013




Mayor David Schwan opened the workshop with a discussion about utilizing the services of the Urban Land Institute (ULI), as per Councilman Mike Farrar's suggestion at the previous budget workshop, when he requested that a $5000 line item be added to the budget for that purpose.  A few weeks ago, Mayor Schwan, Vice Mayor Melissa Price, Councilman Farrar, and Town Administrator Gary Neiss met with representatives from ULI.  The Mayor said that ULI doesn't recommend specific projects, but did recommend a program they offer called the Arizona Technical Assistance Panel (AzTAP), which they felt would best meet the Town's needs. 





Mayor Schwan and Mr. Neiss met again with Elliot Pollack, who works with ULI, and is considered the state's leading economist.  Mr. Pollack concurred that Carefree is moving in the right direction and sent a follow-up letter to the Town.  Mr. Farrar said the letter was not a roadmap but agreed it stated the Town is on the right track in looking to create synergy in the town center.  Mr. Farrar then claimed Mr. Pollack had told him during a phone conversation, "You really don't know what you're doing", and that Carefree should hire experts to design a roadmap.  Mr. Farrar continued, "He said it's obviously something his company can do but says he recommended an RFP that could be put out.  ULI might not be the best because they don't really address specific items, but Elliot said there are companies that do, and he says that his happens to do that as well."





Mayor Schwan asked Mr. Neiss and Vice Mayor Price for their comments.  Mr. Neiss said that Mr. Pollack was very candid.  "You're 100% accurate there.  You need to invest in your infrastructure.  That's what you own.  That's your asset."  "You have to evaluate how to attract people."  "Obviously shade and a splash pad are using the best practices being used in the industry today.  You're hitting the bullseye."





Mr. Farrar questioned the scope of the proposed splash pad and amphitheater projects.  Mr. Neiss responded that the number in the budget includes refurbishing the fountain by the sundial, and explained again that budget numbers are always high to account for possibilities.  These numbers show potential corporate partners, "This is what we're shooting for."  Mr. Neiss went on to say, "Outdoor centers are looking at creating an experience which forms an indelible imprint  on people going and enjoying the outdoors spaces.  In the desert southwest, you look at shade and water; you look at comfort.  The plan is spelled out in the Economic Strategic Plan that Melissa put forth to the Council, which is posted on the Carefree website for the last 4-5 months.  Elliot Pollack agreed that the approach of these investments is something that we strategically need to do."





The Vice Mayor quoted Mr. Pollack as saying the town center must be viewed holistically, with amenities in various areas.  ULI wants to look at the town center and might propose other ideas too.  "But", she added, "the decisions are up to us.  They made it clear that we have to be the leaders; we have to make the decisions.  They're just making some recommendations." 





Mr. Farrar felt the ULI has the body of knowledge and the expertise  to make these recommendations, and he wanted a study done.  He said no one on the Council, "can pretend we know how to create economic development for the Town."  Vice Mayor Price and Councilman Miller disagreed.  Mr. Farrar said to Mr. Miller, "Glenn, you're a firefighter your whole life."  Mr. Miller, who owned an electrical contracting business in Chicago responded, "I was a firefighter; I was a business owner.  I'm 62 years old.  I've learned a lot from other business people.  Economic development is a lot of good common sense, and I've got that."  He said Mr. Farrar could speak for himself but not for the whole Council.  Mr. Farrar said, "Are you going to pretend that you do?"  Mr. Miller answered, "Yes, I do.  I've got quite a few accomplishments in my life."





Mayor Schwan reminded everyone that the original question was if a splash pad and improvements to the amphitheater are a good idea, and that the response was to do the AzTAP for $5000, which will say if the overall direction is correct.  He felt this was a good approach for two reasons.  #1, it would validate or invalidate what Carefree is looking at doing.  #2, it would provide the opportunity to network with people who are working with local developers in the area, and who will get to know Carefree.  It could produce some good contacts.  The $5000 plan is the least expensive but will satisfy Carefree's requirements.



Lyn Hitchon



Prepared by Carefree Truth

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