Carefree Truth #267


Carefree Truth

Issue #267, July 10, 2013




When Mike Farrar ran for Carefree Council in 2011, many expected that, as a commercial Realtor, he would have the ability and contacts to bring new businesses into the Town.  That possibility generated enthusiasm for his candidacy.  My wife Lyn was one who carried his nomination petitions for the required signatures.  He garnered the highest number of votes among those running for Council.  Unfortunately, he utterly failed to produce.  In the 2013 election, he received the lowest numbers among those elected, squeaking in by a scant 2 votes.  He now appears to be defensively projecting his own shortcomings and inadequacies onto his fellow Council members, showing not only disrespect but open contempt, and repeatedly stating that no one on the Council has the "knowledge or body of experience" to engage in economic development.    




While, in my opinion, he denies it due to political expedience after the deaths of the Yarnell fire fighters, at the May budget workshop Mr. Farrar  was openly rude to Glenn Miller.  His tone and body language when he said, "You're a fire fighter your whole life", were completely condescending, and he actually laughed when Mr. Miller said he was indeed capable of planning economic development, much of which involves good common sense.  Mr. Miller was a fire fighter who also ran his own successful electrical contracting business for many years.  As a young man, he was accepted to the Air Force Academy with a full scholarship, but declined it because he would have had to take money from his father for living expenses and felt that was wrong.




At the July Council meeting, in an obvious attempt at damage control, not once but twice Mr. Farrar attempted to take credit for the moment of silence honoring the Yarnell fire fighters, to whom he referred twice as fighter fighters.  In the initial attempt when stating he sent an email request, he quoted Mayor Schwan. "The Mayor said it would be handled."  Mayor Schwan clarified, "Actually, I was stating that it had already been handled."  This is standard procedure in Carefree when tragedies occur.  At the end of his speech, Mr. Farrar said, "Again, Mayor, I want to make it very clear that I did ask the Mayor to take some time to recognize those brave 19 firefighters that lost their lives at Yarnell." 




Lyn entered a public records request for the second email Mr. Farrar sent to Arthur Gimson.  You can read it in its entirety, as well as Mr. Gimson's responses, by clicking on this link.  




Arthur Gimson, the "hotel manager" has lived all over the world, was involved in opening 6 Hilton Hotels, and was the General Manager of 3 of them.  After "retiring", he became an independent consultant, which again involved residency in countries around the world, working on projects worth many millions of dollars.    




Melissa Price, the "hairdresser", was responsible for the Lockheed Martin Missile Defense Division's Program Controls (electronic) Status Program.  She co-founded and remains a partner in a successful aerospace management consulting business. Sassy Salon in Carefree was what she refers to as a "hobby business".  At the May budget meeting, where Mr. Farrar let his ego run free, he interrupted and harassed Ms. Price mercilessly as she attempted to give her presentations.





Others who met with ULI economist Elliot Pollack said he agreed with the tact the Town was taking.  Shade (the amphitheater project) and water (a splash pad) are the two industry standards in the SW desert today for outdoor commercial centers, the category under which downtown Carefree falls.  Mr. Farrar sites a private telephone call he made to Mr. Pollack in which he claims Mr. Pollack agrees with him that the Town is not qualified to make decisions on economic development. 





Mr. Farrar wrote, " I do not see the need to spend three quarters of a million dollars for a garish splash pad in our beautiful garden and a sound system and lighting for the amphitheater..."  While critical of Ms. Price for quoting those to whom she spoke, and there were many, about the commercial advantages of a splash pad, Mr. Farrar came to the conclusion that lighting and sound were unnecessary to the amphitheater by asking a single source.  Gary Neiss has explained multiple times that the budget figures are high, so they can be presented to potential donors as the ultimate "wish list".  The renderings of the splash pad show subdued shades of rust and tan, blending well with the sundial.  




While not everyone else on the Carefree Council has the 2 MBAs Mr. Farrar is so fond of mentioning, they are exceptional and bright people with rich careers.  Intelligence is the ability to take information gained from one experience and apply it to other, different subjects.  While none on the Council are economic development "specialists" that Mr. Farrar insists are required, they are intelligent, experienced, and dedicated to Carefree.  As stated by Mr. Gimson, this has been true of past Council members as well, which is why Carefree is in good shape, has no debt, and has approximately $5,500,000 in unrestricted funds in the bank.




Educational degrees provide the opportunity for people to demonstrate their abilities; the degree itself does not convey the ability to perform.  Many people today with multiple degrees hold a job that includes the question, "Can I super size that for you?"  Putting a 500 hundred horse power motor in a car without wheels or a drive train is worthless.  All show, no go.  As I have stated before, in my opinion, Mr. Farrar is a good speaker, likes to talk, but has little follow through.  The YouTubes of his performance on 5/21/13 are a perfect example of a desire to have the last word. 





Narcissism is a term that originated with Narcissus in Greek mythology who fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.  Currently it is used to describe a person characterized by egotism, vanity, pride, or selfishness, whereby the patient overestimates his or her abilities and has an excessive need for admiration and affirmation.  Narcissists perceive themselves to be unique and special people. Extreme narcissism is egotistical preoccupation with self, personal preferences, aspirations, needs, success, and how he/she is perceived by others.  A corporate type version can be one that is diplomatic, proper, and appearing to care but in reality does not.



Carefree has 6 very dedicated Council members currently serving the community. I would consider them my peers (degree or no degree).


Dr. Herbert Hitchon




"Oratory: the art of making deep noises from the chest sound like important messages from the brain."

Composer/writer H.I. Phillips 





Prepared by Carefree Truth

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