Carefree Truth #276


Carefree Truth

Issue #276, September 26, 2013




Discussion and information took place regarding public participation in the Carefree/Cave Creek Transportation Framework Study.  The study, approved approximately a year ago, is a high level overview of transportation requirements, including paths and bike lanes, in the Carefree/Cave Creek area, and is being primarily funded by a grant from the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), with minor contributions from each Town.  This is a prime example of how the two Towns can work together for the benefit of both.




Mike Sabatini was present to update the Council and to answer questions.  He said that the study putting together a Master Transportation Plan has been underway for a couple of months.  It is now at the "gathering stage", and over the next several weeks and months there will be extensive outreach to the public.  Three focus group workshops are being held in September, one each for business, special event, and recreational interests.



Electronic surveys will be available to the general public online.  Surveys will also be available at A Taste of Cave Creek, the Thunderbird Artists show, and the Carefree Christmas Festival.  Three public meetings will be held beginning at the end of October.




When asked by Councilman Glenn Miller, Mr. Niess confirmed that this is the framework study that was approved approximately a year ago, and not the more recent engineering study approved that is specific to bike lanes.  Councilman John Crane asked how the public would be notified.  Mr. Sabatini said the meetings would be advertised in online newspapers, at the Library, and via email.  Mayor Schwan requested that posters also be placed at the Carefree Post Office, since many in Carefree do not have mail home delivery service.  Mr. Sabatini agreed to place posters at the Post Office.  Councilwoman Melissa Price asked for and received confirmation that the meetings in September were limited to the focus groups and did not include the general public.



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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