Carefree Truth #281


Carefree Truth

Issue #281, October 28, 2013




A Resolution was proposed to amend the land use designation and the land use map in the Carefree General Plan (GP) from R-190 (1 house per 5 acres) to O/R (Open Space/Recreation) for 50 acres at the northern end of town.  This applied to the 30 acre parcel that was identified for preservation with the help of the Desert Foothills Land Trust, then purchased by the Town with money from funds restricted to that purpose, and the additional 20 acre parcel that was donated to the Town by the Van Weelden Family Trust via a quit claim to be used as open space.  This was followed by a proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance to match the General Plan. 




D.J. Stapley explained that the change in the General Plan gave the Town the statutory ability to amend the zoning.  These actions are necessary to assure the 50 acres remain Open Space in perpetuity.  He added that since its inception, the Town has been a proponent of preserving natural desert open space.  This will enhance the neighborhoods, particularly at the northern end of Town, and will add to the Town's assets.  Carefree hopes in the future to obtain property that will connect the two parcels, thereby creating a reasonably sized open space preserve.




Previously, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of these amendments.  The Council unanimously agreed, passing the Resolution and the Ordinance amendments. 



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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