Carefree Truth #287


Carefree Truth

Issue #287, November 17, 2013




With the annual Town and Court system audits complete, the Council was presented with the results.  Crimson Singleton, who performed the outside audits, attended telephonically.




Gary Neiss began by saying that every spring the Council is responsible for the budget, and every fall it is responsible for the audit.  Their packet included the Reinstatement of Financial Reports, the Town Audit for the past fiscal year, the Required Expenditure Limit for the Town, and the Annual Minimum Accounting Standard (MAS) External Review of the Carefree Municipal Court, which is the annual assessment of the Court.

With the consolidation of the Carefree and Cave Creek Municipal Courts, the MAS will also be provided to the Town of Cave Creek in the future, as part of the IGA.




Ms. Singleton thanked the Town for it's business over the past 4 years, and said she enjoyed working with Jim Keen and Kandace French, as well as with Adrianne Larson at the Court. She stated that there were clean opinions, so no findings on either the Town's or the Court's audits.




Jim Van Allen approached the podium "to throw Adrianne and the Judge" "another bouquet", "like he has for the last 4 years".  "The audit, with 62 different items in the Court, not one single detrimental item AGAIN this year."  He wanted the public record to show that they are doing a "superior job".  "Cave Creek ought to be real happy to get them."




The Council unanimously voted to accept the 2012/2013 Fiscal Year audit.



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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