Carefree Truth #290


Carefree Truth

Issue #290, November 25, 2013




Gary Niess presented information about the contracts for the continued improvements to the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion.  Part A addressed the additional shade sails, and Part B addressed the audio/visual electronic services.  He thanked Councilman Glenn Miller for his dedication and for the amount of time he spent assisting staff and formulating the bid packets.  He explained that bid packets are lengthy, thick, and detailed.




Two separate packets were prepared.  The first was for the shade sails.  Several companies expressed interest and bid packets were sent to them.  Only 2 responded with bids.  The low bid was from Shade Sail Total Shade, for approximately $108,000.  The other bid was $40,000 higher. 




The second packet was for the conduit, audio/visual, and electrical improvements to provide sound and lighting for events.  Along with the lighting, the "plug and play" sound system which eliminates wires all over the stage, will make stage events easier and less hazardous.  Again, several companies expressed interest and were sent packets, and again 2 responded.  Technically Integrated, a local company, was the low bidder at approximately $105,000.  Mr. Neiss said that both low bidders are quality companies with good references.




The funding mechanism is the generous donation from Sanderson Lincoln.  The Council must authorize the funds, since they now flow through the Town.  The action was to authorize the funds and the implementation of the respective projects.




Vice Mayor Les Peterson thanked Mr. Neiss, Councilman Glenn Miller, and Councilwoman Melissa Price "for their good work on this".  He said that at one point the Town was struggling to complete the project with the funds available, "and this now comes in at modestly below that".  "So, this is a no-cost, welcomed addition for the Town, and thank you."  




Mr. Miller made a motion to approve amending the electrical contract to include an "alternate adder" of $2987.60 for 1-1/2" empty conduit to be used for a possible future sound system around Easy Street.  This would spare the pavers from being pulled up a second time.  The Council approved the amendment unanimously.  Mayor David Schwan asked for a motion to accept the two proposed bids, with the amendment to the second one.  




Jim Van Allen approached the podium to question the paid bills, stating that $12,800 was spent or committed, and he couldn't find any approval from the Council to spend it in the records.  Mayor Schwan replied that  during a meeting several months ago, the Council authorized the Mayor and the Vice Mayor to spend up to $15,000 for anything within a specific budget category.  $300,000 had been budgeted for the Pavilion improvements.  




Mr. Neiss further clarified, saying that there were costs associated with preparing the bid packets.  Specifications and designs had to come from an architect to define the scope of work for the respective projects so all are bidding on the same design.  Mr. Van Allen questioned $6,000 paid to an architect and was told that was for the sails.  Councilman Miller said he did all the engineering "for the electrical and sound, for zero dollars".  The motion to accept the bids and to begin the implementation passed unanimously.  The work is expected to begin in the spring of 2014.       



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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