Carefree Truth #292


Carefree Truth

Issue #292, December 8, 2013



Street Maintenance

An audience member at the November Town Hall meeting noted that Carefree does an excellent job with major road maintenance, but felt that brush growth along the streets has become a safety issue for those out walking in the early morning and early evening, as they are less visible to cars due to the encroaching brush.  The Town used to clear 4-5' from the edge of the roadway.  




Mayor David Schwan asked that people call Town Hall about areas of concern, and the problem area would be handled within 1-2 days.  Gary Neiss added that the pendulum swings, particularly on this issue.  Several years ago the Town was proactive in trimming the brush.  Many residents complained.  "How dare you desecrate the desert?  Leave it; don't touch it!"  So the Town became reactive.  He too asked that people call if there is an area of concern.  The phone number for Carefree Town Hall is (480)488-3686.




Mr. Neiss apprised the audience of the comprehensive Carefree Ten Year Street Maintenance Program that can be viewed on the Internet at  He mentioned that Cave Creek recently developed a long range streets maintenance plan too.  Members of the Carefree staff have attended state seminars on street maintenance and have reviewed action by other jurisdictions.  Carefree has a state-of-the-art system.  Major streets projects are packaged to create an economy of scale, and are considered strategic investments.  Last year, the arterial street maintenance was completed.  This year, the rest of the public streets are targeted.





A man from Carefree Rolling Hills asked if all the writing on their streets now is a good sign.  Mr. Neiss confirmed that it is. He explained that the Town is preparing the bid package, which requires measuring cracks and identifying places with alligorating so treatment could be determined for sound bids.  Mayor Schwan added that in the past some of the gated HOAs have piggybacked on the big Town projects, as the greatest expense involves staging the equipment and materials into place.  Mr. Neiss said staff is available to answer questions about your streets, even those which are private.  "Give us a call.  We're here to help."





Landscape Maintenance

Maryann Savino asked if there were guidelines concerning landscape maintenance on commercial properties, citing her displeasure with the look in front of CVS and Lowe's.  She wanted to know if the Town could tell the owner to trim and weed. 




Mayor Schwan repeated that it is subjective, with some wanting a more manicured look and others wanting the natural desert left alone.  She agreed but said this was brush and weeds.  The Mayor explained that towns are limited under state law, and recalled the story from a number of years ago, when a family painted their house white.  An ordinance was in place which limited the Light Reflectivity Value.  When the owners were told they were in violation and had to repaint, they sued and the Town lost.  Carefree discovered that it is against State Statute for statutory municipalities to legislate esthetics.  All Carefree can control on private property are health and safety issues, such as vegetation blocking the line of sight at an intersection.




Another audience member said that Phoenix and others had ordinances in place that allowed them control over appearances.  Mr. Neiss responded that the mechanisms to enforce these ordinances require funding and large government.  If owners don't cooperate, the follow up is through the courts, as was the case with the white house, and the community assumes the financial liability.  He pointed out that the budget for the department in Phoenix that enforces these ordinances is in the millions of dollars, and said it's a balancing act.  Mayor Schwan added that the Town has less power than many think it has to tell people to paint their buildings or clean up their landscaping.  It only truly has the power to enforce health and safety issues.         





Landlord Question

I asked a question posed by 2 of my neighbors who wanted to know if there is anything the Town can do to disincentivize commercial landlords whose spaces remain empty either because they don't maintain their properties well or because they demand unreasonable rents in this economy.  They felt this negatively impacted everyone, since these empty spaces were not generating sales tax revenue.  




Mayor Schwan replied that commercial property is private property, and Arizona protects private property, which protects the citizens from the government.  The Town has met with and talked to the landlords, but can't tell businesses that they have to change their strategy on renting.  Those who have lowered their rents are mostly full; others refuse to do so, and have empty spaces.  On the subject of maintenance, the Town can only legally interfere if health and safety issues are the driver.  He said that the overall strategy is to improve the downtown in an effort to attract better landlords.




Mr. Neiss concurred, saying the Town only controls the public realm, and is making strategic investments in it.  They are looking at the most successful practices of similar outdoor shopping districts to create critical mass at all times of the year, night and day.  Historically, developers just built buildings. The Internet has changed that.  To be relevant and attract people and families, strategic investments to provide comfort and entertainment became necessary.  People attract businesses.  The evolution of the amphitheater, with the aid of corporate sponsor Sanderson Lincoln, diversifies that environment, allowing events to take place there during the warm "shoulder season", making Carefree more viable for entrepreneurs in these high risk times.  Elliot Pollack, a nationally renowned economist, is local.  He says the private market must be seeded with people.  The people come first; the businesses follow.




An audience member asked if investments are conceived and made under an economic development umbrella.  Mr. Neiss confirmed that a full Economic Strategic Plan is in place, and can be viewed online at




Mayor Schwan added that the Urban Land Institute (ULI) would be conducting a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) in early December.  6-8 recognized commercial developers volunteer their time and knowledge to visit and advise.  He said this costs $5000, was suggested by Councilman Mike Farrar, and was an excellent idea, as it also gives Carefree exposure to those who make investments.  On a preliminary visit, they were impressed by some of the existing features the Town has in place.  The same audience member said there's not a better organization in the country than ULI to put a stamp on who you are as a town.  "Elliot's right.  People, people, people.  The more festivals you put on, the more people will be interested in opening a shop."




In a recent effort to attract those living nearby, an advertising mailer containing coupons was sent out by the advertising firm hired by the Town to those within a 5 mile range outside of Carefree.  Merchants were approached to place coupons, but many were not interested in participating.  




Mayor Schwan then shared that the Ed Lewis Project, which contains underground parking and a ground floor level of retail with two levels of high end residential condos above the retail, is back on track.  The project was approved in 2006, but was sidelined just before beginning, when the economy crashed.  Mr. Lewis owns the two large vacant parcels near the 100 Easy Street building, where the post office is located.  This is 1/3 of the commercial area in downtown Carefree.  He is now searching for a project anchor, perhaps the Phoenix Art Museum.  The Town is waiting to see a final plan.  




Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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