Carefree Truth #299


Carefree Truth

Issue #299, December 29, 2013




The second reading of the proposed use tax took place at the December Council meeting.  I asked if the purchase of a $1200 item would be taxed in full, or if it would be taxed only on the $200 over the $1000 exemption limit.  Tax auditor Albert Haller responded that the businesses are the ones making the sale and are authorized to collect the whole amount.  Vice Mayor Les Peterson asked whether the use tax applied if two $600 items were purchased in one online transaction.  Mr. Haller answered that the trigger for the tax to apply is $1000 per item. 




Mayor David Schwan said most major retailers such as Amazon and Walmart already collect the tax.  Mr. Haller added that approximately 45% of Internet use tax revenues come from the big box national retailers.  Councilman John Crane asked if the sales tax and use tax were broken out by the state when reimbursing tax revenue to cities and towns.  Mr. Haller confirmed that there are line items for each type of tax.




Councilman Mike Farrar made a motion to approve the use tax, which was seconded by Councilman Glenn Miller.  The motion passed unanimously.





The next agenda item was the second reading of the revised court enhancement fee.  Gary Neiss said Carefree and Cave Creek's fees must be in line for the consolidation of the two courts.  The current Carefree fee of $30 includes state assessments, whereas those assessments are not included in Cave Creek's fee of $25.  Presently, Carefree is subsidizing each person found guilty by approximately $8. Cave Creek's formula reduces that subsidy.  Vice Mayor  Peterson reiterated that the fees must be equivalent.  He added that 96% of those tried in the Carefree court system are not Carefree residents.




Councilman Miller moved to approve the revision and Vice Mayor Peterson seconded.  The motion passed unanimously. 





During the November annual Town Hall meeting, Jim Van Allen complimented Gary Neiss for negotiating Carefree's financial contribution for the space as part of the court consolidation contract.  "Good job."  




Carefree Town Clerk Kandace French said that while the consolidation will take place as of January 1st, 2014, the court will remain in the current Carefree location until the build-out of the Cave Creek space is completed, probably in March or April, at which time it will become rent free.  Mr. Van Allen questioned the length of time.  Mr. Neiss explained that the improvements to the Cave Creek court space included special order items which take time, such as bullet proof glass.


Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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