Carefree Truth #303


Carefree Truth

Issue #303, January 27, 2014





As the administrator of the consolidated Carefree/Cave Creek court system, Carefree is responsible for paying the bills.  Cave Creek transferred money from their court enhancement fund to Carefree to pay for the legally required physical improvements to their court.  Councilman Marty Saltzman asked for and received confirmation that there was no out of pocket expense to Carefree.  Councilman Mike Farrar asked why it was on the agenda, rather than imbedded in the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA).  Gary Neiss replied that it is part of the IGA, but now the Council is authorizing the use of the transferred funds.  Mayor David Schwan said he and the staff had discussed it, and felt it was more transparent to present it in a public meeting.





Councilwoman Melissa Price requested an estimate for the completion of the improvements.  Mr. Neiss said it could take 8-10 weeks, and the target move-in date was spring.  He explained that it might be sooner, but there were specialty items, such as bullet proof glass, delivery of which can be difficult to precisely ascertain.  





Vice Mayor Les Peterson summarized that Carefree has already received the funds, and this is authorizing their use for a preexisting and budgeted expense.  Mayor Schwan made the slight correction that it is part of the IGA, rather than the budget.  The bid for the improvements was $57,907.78.  An expenditure of up to $60,000 was unanimously approved by the Council.





Mr. Neiss wanted to go on record as thanking the Cave Creek staff members, who he said have been diligent and dedicated during the transition.  They have put in considerable time and effort.  Mayor Schwan added, "Well said.  I've seen the emails also, and I appreciate the cooperation from the people who do the work in Cave Creek.  Well done!"



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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