Carefree Truth #307


Carefree Truth

Issue #307, February 18, 2014




Neighbors in Need AZ

Pastor Jim Noble from the Desert Hills Presbyterian Church addressed the Council about Neighbors in Need AZ, a recently created program to coordinate the delivery of services to citizens in the Desert Foothills Community.   Participating organizations include the Foothills Food Bank, the Foothills Caring Corps, the Foothills YMCA, the Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, Hospice of the Valley, Scottsdale Healthcare and several of the local churches. 





This program acts as a hub to facilitate connecting individuals to the appropriate agency or agencies which meet their needs.  Sufficient funds have been raised to hire a social worker who can speak with applicants and will be available to answer questions over the phone for those lacking computer access.  The phone # is (480)745-2229. Requests will remain confidential. 





Donations may be sent to Neighbors In Need AZ, Box 874, Carefree, AZ 85377,  As a non-profit group, they are also able to apply for grants.  If you would like to volunteer or would like more information, please visit  





Click on the YouTube for Pastor Noble's complete presentation.






Foothills YMCA

Pastor Noble was followed by Katie Smetana, the Executive Director of the Foothills YMCA at the Holland Community Center, who reviewed the operations of the YMCA, pointing out that it is more than a "swim and gym" experience.  The Y offers over 33 programs utilized primarily by the area's youth and senior populations.  But everyone, from the very young, in day care while their parents participate in activities there, to the "Silver Sneakers" crowd, is welcomed. 




Youth activities include "Midnight Madness" basketball games, and "Lock-in" programs where kids can stay overnight.  "Silver Sneakers" programs include lower intensity work-outs and balance improvement classes.  She also discussed future plans to expand programs. 




The local Y is approaching its 5th anniversary.  Donations and volunteers are critical to keeping their programs available and affordable. 




Ms. Smetana's entire Power Point slide and voice presentation, detailing all the Y has to offer, is on the YouTube link.







Lyn Hitchon




"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."

Henry Ford




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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