Carefree Truth #314


Carefree Truth

Issue #314, April 4, 2014



Carefree Bistro is the new restaurant that opened this week in the Carefree Galleria at the corner of Cave Creek & Hum Rds., in the space previously occupied by Saba's Mediterranean.  Gary Neiss explained that they have plans to expand into the adjacent space as well.  Co-owner Eunice Bektas appeared before the Council to request a liquor license. 




Mrs. Bektas said that she and her husband are excited to be doing business in Carefree.  They are now open for dinner, and will be open for lunch in the future.  Mayor David Schwan welcomed them to Carefree.  Mr. Neiss told the Council that the menu is posted on their window, and stated that the quality of the food they are presenting is impressive.  Mayor Schwan noted that they have completely redone that space and are more upscale than the previous occupant.




I approached the podium to say that Herbert and I had gone there with friends on the Friday night of the Sonoran Arts League show thinking they would be open, as that had been their original target date.  To our disappointment, they had not received some of the shipments that would allow them to serve their full menu, so they had not opened.  Despite that, they invited us into the restaurant.  Mr. Bektas cooked many samples of their various dishes for us, and Mrs. Bektas brought the food to our table.  They could not have been more gracious.  There were a number of items that I would never have thought to order, but we tried everything they served, and it was all fabulous! 




Seeing Al Swanson in the audience, I said I had been to Venue's for lunch, and I complimented him on their wonderful onion rings.  Mayor Schwan thanked me for my positive comments.  The liquor license was granted with a unanimous vote. 




Now that the Bistro is truly open, we went there after the Council meeting.  We returned to sample more of their menu last night.  We are working our way through it and we have loved everything we've tried.  Those of you who miss Carefree Station must try Carefree Bistro.  It opened on Monday, and was already quite busy last night.  I'm confident they will be successful in their new home.  We echo the Mayor in saying, "Welcome to Carefree!"  It is a great addition to the many fine restaurants that can be found in our town. 



Lyn Hitchon





New open kitchen floor plan

Photos by Herbert Hitchon





Prepared by Carefree Truth

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