Carefree Truth #316


Carefree Truth

Issue #316, April 11, 2014




Assistant Planning Director D.J. Stapley and Travis Johnson, the head of the Public Works Department, put together what Mayor David Schwan referred to as the most comprehensive and specific bid package that Carefree has ever issued.  Mr. Stapley presented the project and the bid information to the Council.




This is the largest streets project ever undertaken by the Town, involving 10 subdivisions with over 90 streets.  It goes beyond the typical crack repair and rubberized fog seal, and includes alternative treatments for cost savings.  Slides in the video below show the subdivisions and streets included in the project, starting in Sentinel Rock to the west and going through Rolling Hills and Grapevine Road in the northern quarter, as well as the degree of the repairs required.  In the video, Mr. Stapley also described the various processes, based on the pavement rating study that was done, stating that this would save tens of thousands of dollars, compared to other methods that are less precise.




Mayor Schwan interjected that this project will pave Celestial, the last unpaved street in Carefree, and that most of those residents now accept that it needs to be paved.  Mr. Stapley added that most of those residents are appreciative.




The bid packet was submitted for the public bid process and 4 contractors responded, but only the 2 who submitted bids on the streets project that was done last fall submitted bids again. Cactus Asphalt's bid was $67,000 lower, at 1.3 million dollars. There were 2 options for alternative projects.  The cost of one was $130,000 and the cost of the other was $175,000.  The less expensive option was recommended by staff.  It meets the requirementsfor dust control, is less costly over a 40 year period, and was found to be a quality product when researched.




Funding for this project will come from a combination of Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF), the Utility Capital Fund (UCF), and the General Fund (GF)/Contingency.  $15,000 from the UCF has been added to the GF from utility companies to perform repairs on the streets, and another $27,000 is expected within the next couple of months.  




Councilwoman Melissa Price asked if this completes the 10 year maintenance plan.  Mr. Stapley replied that it does not, but does complete the streets needing maintenance now.  Some stand alone streets and streets in subdivisions not included in this project will require maintenance in a couple of years, costing approximately $50,000.  Carefree receives about $15,000 a month from HURF which should cover those costs when the time comes.  Towards the end of the 10 year plan Cave Creek Road, Tom Darlington Road, and the streets in the Town Center will receive maintenance again.




Carefree is the recipient of a 2.3 million dollar grant for the Town's portion of the design, preparation, and construction of bike lanes along Tom Darlington Drive and Cave Creek Road, which must be completed during the 2015 fiscal year.  This could also serve to advance the pavement maintenance project along Tom Darlington Drive and Cave Creek Road. Carefree is coordinating this with Cave Creek, the co-beneficiary of the grant. 




Councilman John Crane asked for a reasonable expectation of when additional major maintenance would be required.  Mr. Stapley replied that since the two major projects had been performed close together, the streets would need to be maintained that way again in the future.  A comprehensive street analysis is performed every 7 years.  This 10 year cycle ends in 2022.  




Mayor Schwan said, "Thank you Mr. Stapley, and again, my congratulations for a well written project."   The Council voted unanimously to approve the project, using Cactus Asphalt as the contractor.   



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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