Carefree Truth #326


Carefree Truth

Issue #326, June 9, 2014






Gary Neiss stressed that the budget process is open and transparent, involving numerous public meetings each spring.  This year there were 5 public meetings at which all aspects of the budget were discussed.  Recent budgets have focused on maintaining core Town services and strategically investing in Carefree's largest asset, the public streets, as well as promoting economic development and revitalization of the commercial downtown.  Mr. Neiss thanked the Council members for volunteering to serve in a thankless job that provides good quality of life for the citizens.  





Councilwoman Melissa Price asked what was being done to increase safety at the Christmas Festival.  Mr. Neiss replied that Festival Chairwoman Jo Gemmill had requested additional lighting and security, which accounted for the extra money designated in the budget for Carefree's signature event.  She next asked if restoring the pool under the sundial was planned.  Mr. Neiss said no but that the budget included the flexibility to do so if the revenues were sufficient. 




Vice Mayor Les Peterson noted that Mr. Neiss had called their job "thankless".  He said that while it could be trying at times, it is not entirely thankless.  He felt they all derived satisfaction from participating and helping the Town to meet its objectives.





Mayor David Schwan, hearing no one from the public wishing to speak, asked for a motion to approve the 2014/15 Fiscal Year budget.  The budget was approved unanimously.  



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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