Carefree Truth #354



Carefree Truth

Issue #354, November 10, 2014




Councilman John Crane announced that the annual Carefree Veterans Day celebration is taking place in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion this Tuesday from 3-5 PM.  There will be music, and refreshments will be provided by the Carefree Kiwanis Key Club.




Two WWII veterans will speak, one of whom is the keynote speaker, as well as a veteran from the "Iraqi Freedom" war.  Two local veterans support organizations, the Veterans Heritage Project and Packages From Home, will give presentations. 




This year the Pavilion boasts additional shade sails and a mister system for comfort, and a new dedicated sound system.  It will be a great afternoon.  Please join us to celebrate our vets!




Below the poster is information on another fun event that benefits our veterans.


The Sun Valley Fliers model airplane club is having an open house this Saturday November 15, 2014 . Several different model electric aircraft will fly at the all-day event. Located at Cave Creek Road and Jomax the gate will open around 8:00 AM. Snacks and  soda will be available. Admission is free but they are asking for a $5.00 donation per car for the “Wounded Warriors  Foundation". It is always a fun event to watch. Sometimes they have five planes flying at the same time. Bring a chair and stay as long as you want.

John Skarda 

(Lyn's note: Since this benefits The Wounded Warrior Foundation, and is veteran related, I asked John Crane if I could run this along with his reminder about our Carefree Veterans Day event.  He, of course, agreed.  Herbert and I made arrangements and went down to the Fliers' location in June.  He took pictures and made a video for them.  Here's the video and a photo.  Enjoy!  We hope to see you at both events. 

Sun Valley Fliers Club-6/14




Lyn Hitchon



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