Crefree Truth #379


Carefree Truth

Issue #379, February 27 , 2015





Cox Communications representative Michael Stull gave an update on Cox's partnership with the Town of Carefree.  He spoke extensively about Cox's commitment to the larger community.  In 2013, Cox contributed nearly $17 million in cash and in-kind services to the municipalities they serve.




In the last couple of years, Cox has expanded their Cox Solution Stores, which are modeled after Apple Stores.  Spread throughout the Valley, these stores give customers the ability to see and try out the products.  The store closest to Carefree is located in North Scottsdale.  Cox has also expanded it's business Internet, data, phone, video, data management, and disaster recovery services.  Cox Media provides advertising solutions, incorporating full creative and production capabilities.  DVRs and Internet speed have been upgraded in many areas.  These upgrades are included for free in the Preferred and the Premier packages utilized by about 70% of Cox customers, and are expected to be available Valleywide by 2017. 




Cox also offers free wifi "hotspots" to their municipal customers.  These can be accessed by all Cox subscribers, so a Cox customer from out of town or out of state can use the free hotspots.  Mr. Stull suggested that the area by the Carefree sundial would be ideal for Cox hotspot equipment, adding the availability of free wifi is a boon for economic development. 




Councilwoman Melissa Price asked if there would be a cost to the Town for the wifi.  Mayor David Schwan explained, "It's free if you're a Cox customer."  Ms. Price said, "Oh, we're not; the Town isn't?"  The Mayor explained, "If you want to use the wifi, you have to be a Cox customer."  Ms. Price replied, "I'm thinking of our Town providing public wifi like we do now. Right now, we're paying for that, right?"  Mayor Schwan confirmed that.  Ms. Price said, "So, the Town is a customer.  It wouldn't have to in the future."  Mayor Schwan explained, "The service they're providing is for Cox customers who come into the area.  This is two separate wifi systems.  One wifi is ours.  It's a service to all the people in Carefree.  Their service is a service for their existing customers who come into an area who want wifi."  Ms. Price asked Mr. Stull, "OK, so the fact that the Town is a Cox customer, is there any service there to provide a public wifi?"  Mr. Stull responded, "We don't tend to look at this product as something that can be open to the public use by other customers." 




Councilman Mike Farrar pointed out that Cox customers can still use the Town's existing free public wifi, but could access their personal accounts using Cox.  Mr. Stull agreed that if Cox customers used the Cox wifi, they could access their home account and use the features.  Councilman John Crane asked if the Cox wifi was more secure.  Mr. Stull replied that it is probably more secure than wandering around on the streets until a free hotspot was found, as no one knows who is running a random hotspot.  It was noted that Carefree's hotspot is as secure as Cox's. 




Mr. Stull continued his presentation, noting that Cox pays tax and licensing fees to Carefree to utilize the Rights of Way for their equipment.  He spoke of philanthropic programs that helped Hispanic communities, and of various grants given.  Cox also sponsors programs that work with schools to provide Internet service to the disadvantaged.  This involves refurbishing old business computers and making them available for around $10 each.  Vice Mayor Les Peterson asked if computers were placed in homes of the disadvantaged, most of whom can't afford them.  Mr. Stull said that the computers are only available in limited numbers, so that is not possible at this time.




Carefree resident Gary Zalimeni asked if Mr. Stull or the Council could answer his questions about a Cox project underway on Stagecoach Pass, east of Pima Road, near his home.  He wanted to know if the work was being done in anticipation of the area being developed, and if Cox was planning to revegetate the disturbed area when finished.  He also expressed a hope that this was not going to be developed, as he wanted to see the area remain preserved in its natural state.  Mr. Stull was not familiar with the project, but said he would inquire, and gave Mr. Zalimeni his card.  He assured Mr. Zalimeni that Cox does make every effort to revegetate areas it disturbs.  Councilman Glenn Miller noted that the location was technically in Scottsdale, requiring no Right of Way permits from Carefree, so the Council did not know the answer either, and he suggested that Mr. Zalimeni contact the City of Scottsdale.




Mayor Schwan thanked Mr. Stull for coming to Carefree to share the latest Cox information.



Lyn Hitchon




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