Carefree Truth#401


Carefree Truth

Issue #401, June 22, 2015




Gary Neiss said the Carefree Village Center Master Plan generated by the Michael Baker Study established a rational basis for downtown improvements.  The Baker team spent approximately a year reaching out to the community, engaging commercial property owners, citizens, and people in the marketplace.  




Infusing new capital and new interest in the Town Center to reposition some of the antiquated or economically obsolete buildings is complex.  Mr. Neiss stated that unique expertise in this area is needed.  Steven Betts brings over 30 years of experience in zoning entitlement legal work.  He was the CEO of Sun Corp. Development, one of the largest in the desert southwest.  He has been involved with public and private partnerships, joint ventures, and more.  Mr. Betts  can provide the expertise to connect investors, developers, hoteliers, and restaurants.  He can assist in developing equitable incentive plans and facilitating development agreements, along with the supporting financial models.  




Mr. Betts is interested in providing his services to Carefree, and loves how the Master Plan has "set the table".   By working with property owners, perhaps Ed Lewis, and other interests, he can bring new capital, and the kind of businesses people said they wanted to see in downtown Carefree.  The Baker Study provided the foundation; Mr. Betts can help take it to the next level and "go vertical".




Councilman Mike Farrar commented that Steven Betts wrote the State Statute.  He brings valuable connections, and will serve as a financial and development advisor, representing Carefree's best interests.  He has vast experience.



The contract is a fundamental consulting agreement for a period of 12 months at a flat rate of $5000 per month, which is a very competitive price.  Funding is included in the economic development department of the 2015/16 fiscal year budget.

The Council voted 7-0 to contract with Steven Betts for 12 months, starting in June.



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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