Carefree Truth #403
Carefree Truth
Issue #403, June 26, 2015
Mayor Les Peterson had planned to read comments submitted in writing to the Town about items on the agenda, but was advised by the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney that it was disallowed by State Statute. He read the following statement at the beginning of the meeting. "We need to clarify that notes of public comment will not be read by the Council or the Mayor unless the individual is present. Statute requires that the individual be present for public comment to allow for response to criticism by the Council, and agenda items can be moved out of order to provide an opportunity for public comment, but comments cannot be read into the record if the individual is not at the meeting." The Mayor explained that pro and con numbers could be given, but not names. 8 emails were received with opinions about a splash pad. 4 were pro and 4 were con. He apologized for the misunderstanding.
Call to the Public began with Jim Van Allen, who stated he didn't consider anything to be economic development that didn't directly put "dollars into the cash register". Mr. Van Allen pointed out that many of the stores along Easy Street are closed on Sundays and Mondays during the summer months, and the Town is doing nothing to make them stay open. He again insisted that the Town should be investing in misters, awnings, and plants along Easy Street to enhance the customer experience. $250,000, being donated by Sanderson Lincoln over a 10 year period, was spent on the amphitheater improvements, which Mr. Van Allen felt was wasted on a space that is not utilized as much as Easy Street. He also again insisted that the Town should be spending money on improvements to the Basha's Center, the Lowe's/CVS Center, and the Carefree Resort and Conference Center, all of which are private property, because they are the largest tax revenue producers.
At this point, Mr. Van Allen had spoken for 3:22, and the Mayor reminded him about the 3 minute limit, asking him to please give the key aspects of his speech. Mr. Van Allen read an email from former Mayor David Schwan, which stated that if donations and/or grants were not forthcoming for improvements to the amphitheater, the expenses would not occur in Fiscal Year 2013/14. Mr. Van Allen was not aware of any donations for a splash pad or fireplaces. According to him, businesses and residents don't support a splash pad. He added that there are already 45 splash pads and 4 water features throughout the Valley. He asked if he'd used his 3 minutes, and was told he had used that and more. He had spoken for over 6 minutes. Mayor Peterson asked upcoming speakers to please limit comments to the normal 3 minutes or less, due to the number of slips from those wishing to speak that evening.
The next speaker was Jim Van Allen's partner John Traynor, who said the Mayor "stole the thunder of the meeting by denying residents that couldn't attend their say". He was planning to give comments he received to the Mayor to read, but stated he would instead forward them to the Town. As of 6/26, he has failed to do so. He claimed to have 12 emails opposed to a splash pad and one email that gave conditional approval, and that although they won't be read into the public record, he as "other ways" of getting them published. He stated that he has always been opposed to a splash pad, and sees no economic value in it. He pointed out that when Councilwoman Melissa Price first presented the idea of a splash pad at a budget meeting in 2013, the estimated cost was $233,000-$322,000, a significant amount of which was to be paid for using donations and/or grants. Although Mayor Schwan's email referred to Fiscal Year 2013/14, Mr. Traynor repeated Mr. Van Allen's statement that if those donations/grants were not forthcoming, Mayor Schwan had said the expenses would not occur. Neither he, nor Mr. Van Allen are aware of any donations made towards a splash pad or fireplaces.
Mr. Traynor said he had a note from another resident complaining about the use of Executive Sessions to discuss contracts. The full details of the contracts were not disclosed to the public, and the resident felt this showed a lack of transparency. As of now, Mr. Traynor has not supplied this email to the Town either. Mr. Traynor spoke uninterrupted for 4 minutes.
Jerry Wetta was the last speaker at Call to the Public. He said the Town is working on a new Financial Plan and has hired Steven Betts to make suggestions on how to stimulate economic development in the downtown. He reminded the Council that there is a lot on the plate for the next couple of years, and suggested prioritizing projects before moving forward to implement any of them. He likes the "pay as you go" system, saying that even low interest is still interest.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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