Carefree Truth #406


Carefree Truth

Issue #406, July 3, 2015




The Michael Baker Study suggested adding gas fireplaces to further activate sitting areas within the Carefree Desert Garden to extend the stay of people visiting the Garden.  The proposed fireplaces would be wrapped in canyon cut stone to match the wall of the curtain fountain, and would be approximately 8' tall and 9' wide, with a safety grate over the flames. A photo cell would be installed to turn them on after sunset, and a timer/override would be included to give the ability to switch them off and to set the times.




Several criteria were considered when selecting potential locations.  They should further activate existing pedestrian sitting areas, be visible from the street and/or shops, be near gas and electric utility lines, and cause minimal disruption to the Garden.  The two best locations determined using these criteria are at Lucky Lane/Easy Street, and Easy Street on the east side of Sundial Plaza.  More fireplaces could be incrementally placed in the future, if desired.  The fireplaces establish "outdoor living rooms".  Groups of people congregated in the downtown can help to attract future businesses.   The phrase, "People beget people", was stressed by both the Urban Land Institute and Michael Baker, International.




Two quotes were received.  Holmes Construction, a Carefree business located at 11 Sundial Circle, quoted $30,030.  Dynamite General Contracting quoted $37,990.  Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2015/16 budget under Economic Development.  The work can be completed in 2-3 weeks from the start date, and the fireplaces could be available for use in the fall.  The Town has a history with Holmes Construction, which did the required improvements to the Carefree/Cave Creek Consolidated Court in Cave Creek.  Councilwoman Melissa Price asked if Dynamite General was a Carefree business.  Gary Neiss said that they are located south of Carefree. 




Vice Mayor John Crane, who was attending telephonically from Mexico City, asked about the physical characteristics.  Mr. Neiss explained they would be faced with the stone that shows on the slide in the Council packets, which the Vice Mayor could access on the Carefree website, and that their backs would face the Garden, with the fire exposed to the pedestrian areas.  Vice Mayor Crane replied that there is no one silver bullet, but that a splash pad in the warm weather and fireplaces in the cooler weather were both pieces of the puzzle.




Councilman Mike Farrar wanted to be sure the fireplaces were placed where people could sit comfortably to enjoy them, saying they were a gathering place.  He brought photos he had taken of fireplaces in other commercial venues, and said seating is critical.  He also questioned why they were being asked to approve two rather than one, and why those locations were chosen.  Councilman Glenn Miller explained that the main gas lines were near both places, which is a significant cost savings.  There is an existing meter at the Sundial Plaza location and a line nearby the Lucky Lane one.  Because of the proximity, Southwest Gas will place a meter at no charge.   Mr. Farrar agreed that made sense. 




Mr. Farrar preferred to see the one in the Plaza to the west of the sundial, more in the Garden.  He thought it presented a better visual.  Ms. Price said the suggested placement to the east presents an uninterrupted view of Black Mountain that is gorgeous, and provides a great photo opportunity.  Mr. Miller pointed out that they had to be mindful of shadows cast by the sundial.  Mr. Farrar still felt the location should be further from the curb and more into the Garden.  Mr. Miller said they considered that location too, and found there was not enough room.  Ms. Price added that they would have to take out a beautiful patch of plants to put it where Mr. Farrar suggested, and Mr. Neiss repeated that they were trying to do it with minimal disturbance to the specimen plant material.  He added that there was also a significant tree that would obstruct the view to Black Mountain that they were trying to optimize.  Mr. Farrar still felt it was too close to the street.  Mayor Les Peterson and Mr. Neiss both felt there was sufficient space between the street and the proposed fireplace.  




The Council voted 6-1 to approve awarding the contract to construct 2 fireplaces at those locations to Holmes Construction.  Mr. Farrar voted against it, explaining that he liked the idea of the fireplaces but did not agree with the location of the one in Sundial Plaza.



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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