Carefree Truth #408


Carefree Truth

Issue #408, July 11, 2015


Mayor Les Peterson said, "Dan Wainwright has served for many years as a valued member of the Planning and Zoning Commission."  He commented that Vice Mayor John Crane and he had both served on P&Z with Mr. Wainwright, and that I am still a member of the Commission.  The Mayor went on to say, "An excellent, excellent mind.  Unfortunately, medical circumstances prompted him to resign."




The vacancy must now be filled.  A recruitment announcement will go out in COINS and various other publications.  People may submit letters of interest, biographies, and qualifications until mid August, at which time the Council members will review the applications.  Applicants will be asked to attend the September Council meeting and make a brief statement to the Council, at which time a new member will be appointed.  The Mayor thanked Mr. Wainwright for his excellent service.  




On a personal note, Dan Wainwright will be sorely missed.  He was an exemplary member of the Commission, unfailingly courteous and well informed, a true gentleman in every sense of the word.   Herbert and I wish Dan and Debbie all the best.



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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