Carefree Truth #422


Carefree Truth

Issue #422, September 4, 2015




Planning Director Stacey Bridge-Denzak reported that the total construction allowance for the joint Carefree/Cave Creek Bike Lanes Project is $3,754,109.  The Federal grant covers $3,538,480, with the 2 Towns supplying matching contributions totaling $215,629.  The low bidder for this project quoted $3,881,744.  The cost sharing was determined by linear lane miles within each town.  Because more street miles were located within Carefree, Carefree's portion was slightly more than 60%, or $140,158.85.  The project deficit is $127,635 and requires an additional $77,000 from Carefree, bringing Carefree's total cost to $217,163.85  




Carefree paid Cave Creek, the primary grant applicant, their share of the original amount due, and Cave Creek paid the Arizona Department of Transporation (ADOT) in full, which was required in order to obtain the Federal grant dollars.  The funds already paid came from the Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF), which is restricted to transportation related uses.  The balance would also come from the HURF account, and the funds are available.




Mrs. Bridge-Denzak said there is still significant monetary value to the bike lanes project even with the cost overrun.  The project will include applying slurry seal to the entire width of the affected streets, and those streets will be re-striped.  This maintenance would have been required within the next few years, at an approximate cost of $700,000. 




In addition, this is a safety issue for both vehicle and bicycle traffic.  With nice weather for much of the year, bicycling is popular for exercise, fundraising events, and just plain fun, so there are lots of bikes on our local streets.  The bike lanes lead into the center of town, and it is anticipated that this will help drive bicycle tourism.  Councilman Glenn Miller pointed out that the bike lanes can also act as sidewalks, increasing safety for pedestrians.  The project is considered a benefit to the town on many levels.




The Council unanimously approved the release of the additional funds.



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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