Carefree Truth #425


Carefree Truth

Issue #425, September 14, 2015




During Call to the Public Jim Van Allen said he has frequently volunteered at both the Christmas Festival and at the Thunderbird Festivals, and no one has had a problem finding Carefree.  John Traynor spoke next, first thanking Kiwanis for their community service.  Then he said there were proposals for 2 or 4 gateways, but no proposal for 0 gateways, so at least 2 gateways were a foregone conclusion.  The problem is not finding Carefree; it is getting people to come and to return.  He reminded the Council that the citizens trust them to make the right decisions.  He stated to the 2 new members, "No one should be intimidated by anybody else to make those decisions", and they should be made with their "own moral integrity intact".




After the Council discussion ended on the agenda item addressing the gateways, Mayor Les Peterson invited further public comment.  Joe DeVito was the first to speak.  He  believed the Core Option (2 gateways) was correct.  A gateway is a "major way in", and landscaping could be "dynamite" if done correctly. Many people routinely contact him, so he was speaking for a couple dozen people.  He also looked closely at the Framing Option (4 gateways), concluding that the downtown business district is not sufficiently large to accommodate it, but he did appreciate the effort expended by Councilwoman Melissa Price.




John Traynor said Carefree didn't need 4 gateways.  He had not heard any discussion about secondary gateways, which are also on the horizon. The town needs more businesses, without which monuments serve no purpose.  Gateways are not magnets, and are not inexpensive.  There are always ancillary costs that become obvious later.  Gateways bring in no revenue.  Gaudy is not "Carefree".




Realtor Jackie McDermott gave "major kudos" to the Town for getting a great price and great financing on the 33 Easy Street building.  She also gave kudos to Kim Prince, owner of Proven Media, for writing the article in Images AZ magazine and getting Tom Baker's Carefree sundial photo on the cover.  Last, but not least, she gave huge kudos to Marketing Director Gina Kaegi for organizing the 2 week long Pumpkin Festival in October, and for obtaining the participation of Ray Villafane, the world's top pumpkin carver, for the event.  This will draw people from all over the country.  She has sent information about it to many of her clients, and called it "outstanding".  G ateways are good, but what really matters are draws for the downtown, like the splash pad.  She called this the most proactive Council ever, that "is getting so much good stuff done", even though they didn't always all agree.  Mayor Peterson said that out of debate comes ideas and solutions.  Councilman Mike Farrar agreed.  "That's how democracy works."




Ms. McDermott continued, "It's so important that we only have 2 (gateways)."  She said she uses Carefree Drive off of Tom Darlington Drive to access the Post Office.  No matter how one continues after entering on that street, one ends up at Wampum Way after seeing the poorly maintained Post Office building straight ahead.  And while the fire station is a very nice building, it is still a fire station, so bringing visitors in past it on Lucky Lane is also not ideal.  She also felt there should only be one gateway off of Cave Creek Road.  "It's all about what looks good and makes sense to visitors."  She hoped native Arizona stone would be used on the columns, rather than the fake stone used by so many builders.  She was assured that the material would be natural Arizona stone.




Jim Manship, owner of Manship Builders, was again thanked for his generous donation to the project.  The Mayor called it a truly outstanding offer.  Ms. Price thanked architect August Reno.  Let There Be Light and Bertram Signs were also thanked.  Each of these Carefree businesses is contributing to the gateway project with donations of time, materials, and/or deep discounts.  Jim Manship and Howard Bertram were at the meeting and received applause from the audience. 




Jim Van Allen stated the gateway off of Cave Creek Road should be located at Hum Road because it has the best looking building, is a wide street, and has an existing turn lane.  Mr. Farrar said that Hum and Ho Roads have retail buildings with excellent visibility, so don't require gateways.  Carefree Drive has the shortest route directly to Easy Street and to the sundial, which is Carefree's iconic structure and should be honored.  




Tony Geiger encouraged the more conservative Core approach, adding that the Town paid for the time and talent of experts, and should listen to those experts.  The Town was able to take advantage of the opportunity to buy and finance the building at 33 Easy Street because it has good credit and money in the bank.  2 gateways will capture the majority of benefits, and the Town doesn't want to make an expensive mistake.  Private development should drive future gateways.  




Jerry Wetta said the Core solution was better, and that it is important to keep money in the bank.  There are many things on the burner, like the Ed Lewis project and potential projects to be brought in by Steven Betts.  It's important to have that extra money if needed when other proposals come.  2 gateways will provide good signage and visibility.  




I agreed with Ms. Price that if the Core Option is built it left no sensible options for other primary gateways.  But attractive secondary gateway designs had also been approved which could be placed at other intersections, and Mr. Manship had offered to donate time and materials to those secondary gateways if only 2 primary gateways were built.  Earlier, Councilman Glenn Miller had questioned why traffic circles were being discussed as part of the gateway project.  They were included because they had been part of Ms. Price's presentation, even though they were presented as part of Phase 2 for the following year.  I favored the Core Option, and said that 2 gateways would be helpful.  In 1991, Herbert and I moved into the house we designed and built in Carefree.   We lived here for several years before we even realized there was more to downtown Carefree than the grocery store center. 




Councilwoman Price moved to approve the Core Option.  Councilman Glenn Miller seconded the motion.  The Council unanimously voted to approve the Core Option.  Mayor Peterson thanked the Council members who voted for 4 gateways at the previous meeting for being open minded, and said that all the members of the Council are trying to do what they feel is best for the Town.  Councilmen Miller and Orrico agreed that Steven Betts' opinion made the difference.  Mr. Miller said, "Sometimes we do listen to the experts."



Lyn Hitchon




"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."   Henry Ford




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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