Carefree Truth #428


Carefree Truth

Issue #428, September 25, 2015




Mayor Les Peterson commented on the importance of the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) in determining the look of the town today, tomorrow, and into the distant future.  When several qualified residents volunteered to fill the 2 vacant Council seats, the Mayor encouraged those who were not appointed to stay involved.  One of those residents is Dan Davee, a retired automotive engineer.  He stepped up to fill the seat vacated by P&Z Vice Chairman Dan Wainwright, who left due to health issues.




The Council voted unanimously to appoint Mr. Davee to the P&Z.  Town Clerk Kandace French administered the Oath of Office, after which Mayor Peterson said, "It's good to have you involved."  Mr. Davee replied, "It's good to be involved." 



               Photo by Herbert Hitchon




Congratulations to Mr. Davee on his appointment.  Those of us on P&Z welcome you aboard. 




Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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