Carefree Truth #434
Carefree Truth
Issue #434, October 19, 2015
Mayor Les Peterson said the purchase of the 33 Easy Street building, to be used as a Council Chambers after the lease for the current Chamber space expires in 10 months, was completed in September. The Town found it would cost $200-$225 per square foot to build a new Council Chamber space. Councilman Mike Farrar took on the responsibility of reviewing facilities in downtown Carefree to see what was available, and if purchasing would be more cost effective than building. 33 Easy Street was "hands down" the building. It is high, has glass, is a suitable size, and is not in a primary retail location. This building of first choice was available, with very attractive pricing and financing. "Hats off to Councilman Farrar."
Ed Lewis approached the Town about the possibility of leasing the building for use as a temporary sales and construction office for the Easy Street South condominium project. It overlooks his property, and would showcase it and the views of Black Mountain. The alternative would be a sales trailer on the his property, which was felt to be less effective.
For as long as the Mayor has been on the Council, the primary objective has been economic development to sustain the town for the long term. Ed Lewis's project is a lynch pin, and now that he is committed, the Town should help to make it successful in any way it legally can. Mr. Lewis needs to pre-sell 20-25% of the units before his financing becomes available. Establishing a sales office immediately would expedite the start time of construction, with next summer as the target date, providing a benefit to both Mr. Lewis and to the town.
The Town has several alternatives when the lease on the current Council Chamber space expires. That lease could potentially be extended. Spirit of the Desert or the Carefree Resort could also supply a meeting space.
Gary Neiss reported that fair market value for rent is $12 per foot, according to research done by Mr. Farrar. This would set the figure for the lease on the first floor at $32,160. The historic lease on the second floor is $15,000, bringing the total to $47,160. The financing cost of the mortgage is $34,000 per year. This would leave the Town in the black $13,160, which could be used to rent an alternative short term space for a Council Chambers. The Town plans to pay off the mortgage in 2018 when the first payment from the Water Company, which will exceed the mortgage, is received.
Councilwoman Melissa Price asked how Mr. Farrar arrived at the $12 per square foot figure. He explained it was done using a simple comp report. Marty Holmes asked if the Town was aware of an upcoming special assessment to resurface and re-stripe the 33 Easy Street parking lot, which is shared between 5 entities. Mayor Peterson assured Mr. Holmes that they are aware of it. Mr. Farrar added that it is addressed in the lease. The landlord can enforce reimbursements on the part of the tenant.
Mr. Farrar also pointed out that the lease is in place without any personal guarantee if the entity does not fulfil the terms of the lease. Mayor Peterson said the lease is short term and that Mr. Lewis has already spent quite a bit of money for various studies, so he is committed. Should the worst case scenario occur and Mr. Lewis pulls out, the Town would occupy the space. Due to the situation, Mayor Peterson was not concerned. The Council voted unanimously to approve the lease.
Now, as a fun start to the week, here is the video of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that I took on Saturday to support David Schwan's "Carefree Sole Mates" at the Arizona ALS Association Walk. Many thanks to those of you who donated on David's behalf. There is still time to donate if you are so inclined. The direct link for making donations to Binka's page on the "David's Team ALS Walk" fundraiser website is
Enjoy watching me get the Ice Bucket. We all had a lot of fun!
Lyn Hitchon takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: 10/17/15
"This video is about Lyn Hitchon takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: 10/17/15"
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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