Carefree Truth #436


Carefree Truth

Issue #436, October 26, 2015




Gary Neiss explained that there are 12kv APS overhead lines along the Cave Creek Road frontage that must be buried before construction of the gateway at Cave Creek Road and Carefree Drive can commence.  The original estimate from APS was approximately $110,000.  APS has now completed the engineering, and they have provided a revised estimate of $98,000.  This will include a switching cabinet behind the sundial sign, trenching, pulling a new cable, and replacing any disturbed pavers in the roundabout.  Although APS expects that number to hold, the unexpected can happen when utilities are being buried, so Mr. Neiss thought it prudent to add a 20% contingency to that figure. 




An effort is being made to coordinate the APS and ADOT projects.  APS could start within a week, and would be finished before the start of the bike lane construction.  Vice Mayor John Crane asked how long the APS project was expected to take.  Mr. Neiss replied that it would take about 2 weeks, involve minimal disturbance, and would not effect the Pumpkin Festival.  The expenditure was unanimously approved.




Jim Van Allen commended Mayor Les Peterson and Vice Mayor Crane for presenting the total cost required to complete 2 vs. 4 gateways when the project was initially discussed.  He then criticized the Town for what he considered piecemeal spending on the fireplaces.  Re: the gateways, he said, "Tonight you are looking at a piece, the electrical, without knowing how much the whole package is going to cost.  There is no critical reason to put the underground down, forget the bike lanes, that's baloney, until you get the total package."  He also encouraged the Mayor, as Carefree's CEO, to attend the meeting with Bodega 13, because it would generate a lot of bad PR on social media if Bodega 13 relocated to Cave Creek.




Councilman Glenn Miller responded to Mr. Van Allen's criticism.  The Town put in the sundial reflective pond.  All the ponds in the Gardens were refurbished, re-PebbleTeched, re-tiled and got new equipment.  $400,000 was budgeted for these projects out of the $1.5 million set aside for economic development.  $101,000 was spent.  A splash pad and 2 fireplaces were built.  The Council approved 2, rather than 4 primary gateways.  Many local contractors have stepped up to the plate to give back to their community with donations towards the Gardens projects and the gateways, bringing those costs way down.




Councilwoman Melissa Price was pleased to add that T's Construction will be donating the concrete foundations for the gateways.  Councilman Gene Orrico reminded Mr. Van Allen that Kiwanis donated the entire cost of the splash pad.  Mayor Peterson assured Mr. Van Allen that the Town is "watching the numbers."





Now, for a little fun...  Here's a video Herbert made, using his photos from the Carefree Enchanted Garden Pumpkin Festival.  Enjoy! 

2015 Carefree Enchanted Garden Pumpkin Festival     Featuring Ray Villafane



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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