Carefree Truth #438
Carefree Truth
Issue #438, November 2, 2015
Pumpkins carved by Ray Villafane, Photo by Herbert Hitchon
The first Carefree Enchanted Garden Pumpkin Festival was a great success, drawing visitors from all over the Valley, as well as those from out of the state. Numerous people remarked that they had lived in the Valley for years, but had never been to Carefree before. They loved our town, and said they would be back.
Along with the local media, both print and TV, a Japanese TV station followed our Master Carver, Ray Villafane, to Carefree. Carefree was also featured on Monday Night Football with the NFL logo pumpkin carved by Ray.
Herbert made a second video with pictures of pumpkins that had been added since he made the first one. It includes more photos of people, and shows Ray carving at night and during the day. Enjoy!
A lot of people worked hard to make this Festival a great experience, but special thanks go out to LeAnda Merrihew, my neighbor who first broached the idea of a pumpkin festival to the Town and who spent many hours at the Festival as an enthusiastic volunteer, and to Carefree Marketing Director Gina Kaegi, who made it all happen. I don't think Gina went home for 2 weeks. Every time Herbert and I went to the Gardens, night or day, Gina was there. Thanks, ladies!
Now it's time to gear up for the 8th Annual Carefree Christmas Festival fun. The Christmas Festival runs from December 11-13. Here's a direct link to the Festival brochure. The link to the Festival website is Jo Gemmill and all her little elves (including me) are already busy. We'll see you there!
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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