Carefree Truth #440


                              Carefree Truth

                                  Issue #440, November 13, 2015




During the agenda item Current Events, Vice Mayor John Crane reminded everyone that the Carefree Veteran's Day Event would be held the following day in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion from 3-5 PM.  He said it's a great program of music and speakers.  Several veteran support groups would be there.  The keynote speaker is Col. Gobel James, who was a POW in the "Hanoi Hilton" for 56 months.




The Vice Mayor also announced that the 100 Club of Arizona, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that benefits safety service organizations throughout the state, donated $3,600 to the Carefree Fire Department for the purchase of 2 wildfire radios.  He assumed Rural/Metro Chief John Kraetz, who had already left the meeting, applied for the grant.




Mayor Les Peterson called the Pumpkin Festival a "resounding success", drawing approximately 30,000 people to downtown Carefree over the 2 week period.  He said it was wonderful working with Ray Villafane and his team.  The event brought families and kids, who looked at the carvings with surprise and joy.  Their smiles were infectious. 




Carefree appeared on Monday Night Football, was featured in a 12 minute segment on NPR, all the major TV stations in Phoenix were here, and the Festival was on the cover of most magazines.  The largest TV station in Japan, the counterpart to PBS, was doing a 1/2 hour special on pumpkin carving, and showed up with their cameras during a Wednesday evening YMCA carving lesson in the Pavilion with Ray Villafane.  Pumpkin carving is very popular in Japan.  The Mayor thanked Marketing Director Gina Kaegi for arranging to have Mr. Villafane and his team come to Carefree, and for all her hard work before and during the Enchanted Garden Pumpkin Festival.




Jim Van Allen agreed "110%".  He said 75% of the merchants on Easy Street applauded the Festival, and that it is rare to see that degree of approval.  2 businesses said their revenues doubled, and many saw increases.  All but 2 merchants wanted the Festival to return next year.  He felt it was huge for economic development.  "Cash registers rang."  




Mayor Peterson said it also "put Carefree on the map" for many.  Visitors were asking about the schools and available housing.  Carefree residents commented, "I never knew this was down here", and "How long has this been here?"  Councilman Mike Farrar felt it enriched the lifestyle experience, which can transfer to an economic benefit.  




Mayor Peterson announced that Carefree won the prestigious Arizona Chapter of the American Planning Association Award, the top prize.  This is tremendous recognition for the Town. When he attended the ceremony, it was fun to see Carefree's name up on the screen for this major award.  The award was on the dias during the Council meeting, and is now on display at Carefree Town Hall. 




Mr. Farrar announced that 2 great restaurants have recently opened in Carefree, Bodega 13 and the Speakeasy.  He encouraged everyone to enjoy the dining and entertainment at these establishments.  




Councilman Bob Gearhart asked about the yellow tape that had been surrounding the splash pad.  Councilman Glenn Miller explained it was there because the pad had been painted with a sealer.  This was a 2 day process, with an additional 3-4 day curing period.  It's done and the tape has been removed, but it's too cold to activate it.  However, the LED lights are on at night.  The fireplaces are also on from 6-11 PM.




Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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