Carefree Truth #444


                              Carefree Truth

                 Issue #444, December 4, 2015




MC Ted Dimon introduced Carefree resident Mike Wold, who 

left active duty as a LtJg. and was later promoted to Lt. in the reserve.  He is the volunteer Regional Coordinator for the Healing of Memories veterans' workshop in Arizona.  Healing of Memories is a weekend retreat, one of a very few of it's kind, that provides veterans with a safe and confidential environment to share military experiences which have caused them pain, giving them a major step forward in their healing journey.  Lt. Wold is a US Navy Viet Nam veteran who has been involved with organizations serving veterans for over 8 years.  He has been a successful organization consultant, coach, teacher, and facilitator for 15 years, with 25 years of experience in management and project management in the private and public sectors.




Lt. Wold said he was honored to be in the presence of his fellow veterans.  His dad, who fought in the Pacific, would have said he was in very good company. 




The Lt. explained that many veterans return to their communities suffering from physical, spiritual, and psychological wounds related to their service.  30% or more have PTSD, and an average of 22 veterans commit suicide each day.  The VA Healthcare system can help, but there is part of the healing that is beyond their capabilities.  Moral injury relating to what the veteran has done, not done, or what has been done to him or her can leave them with feelings of guilt, shame, anger, hopelessness, isolation, unworthyness, and distrust.  A soldier in Iraq had a candy bar for an Iraqi child.  The approaching child stepped on an IED.  This scene was emblazoned in the mind of the soldier, causing tremendous pain.




Healing of Memories deals with the deep psychological wounds .  Veterans come together in a facilitated retreat to tell deeply buried stories to others who have been there and understand.  This is a unique healing experience.  Nearly 100 Arizona veterans have participated in this workshop since it began in 2013.  90% of them have reported that it was a major step in their healing process.  These are quotes from some of the participants.

[The benefit was] “To have been able to release myself from my personal prison I had put myself into.”

“I was empowered to view life as positive, to move ahead and not let the past overpower me.”

“The workshop was cleansing and fortifying.”

“I have not told this story to anyone in 42 years. I feel like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders.”


The Healing of Memories workshop is held at the beautiful Spirit in the Desert Retreat in downtown Carefree, December 4-6.  It is open to veterans of all eras, and is free, thanks to donations from generous individuals and organizations.  Lt. Wold thanked his fellow veterans and thanked the Town of Carefree for giving him the opportunity to speak about this important mission.




Pt. 3, Keynote speaker Col. Gobel James, military service medley, and The Last Post coming next.



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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