Carefree Truth #453
Carefree Truth
Issue #453, January 11, 2016
Councilman Mike Farrar announced that Carefree has been given the chance to send 10 youths from our wonderful community to Code Day. Held annually, it is part of a Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) endeavor to create a future and expand on our tech hub in Arizona. Code Day is held across the world, and in 32 cities in the U.S., part of the world's largest series of educational programming marathons.
On February 13th and 14th, Phoenix will hold the first of several Code Day events in the Valley. Carefree was fortunate to receive scholarships for 10 students. Mr. Farrar asked that Code Day be publicized by Carefree so that any students from Carefree, 9-20 years of age, who wished to attend would be aware of the opportunity to do so. It is an excellent way to learn about coding in a wonderful workshop with great trainers. He encouraged students to apply.
Councilman Glenn Miller asked if the 10 scholarships went to students living just in Carefree, or if they included students in the general area. Mr. Farrar confirmed that all 10 were students living in Carefree. Mayor Les Peterson said Carefree would place the event on the Town website, and suggested getting in touch with the Cave Creek Unified School District too.
Lyn Hitchon
"Luck follows those who are well prepared"
Ansel Adams
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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