Carefree Truth #455


                                Carefree Truth

                                  Issue #455, January 18, 2016




Foothills Caring Corps. (FCC) Executive Director Debbra Determan presented a video and spoke at the January Council meeting.  The FCC motto is "Caring, infinite".  They provide meals, transportation, companionship, and most important of all, caring.  It is neighbors helping neighbors.  Based in Carefree since it's inception, the FCC has for 17 years provided services to those living in Carefree, Cave Creek, N. Scottsdale, and N. Phoenix who are 60 years and older, as well as to those 18 years and older who are disabled. 593 volunteers, ages 55-75, support 747 in-home residents.  The worth of the 41,028 hours donated by these volunteers was calculated to be $917,796.  135 volunteers serve 159 residents of Carefree.  Caring Corps. continues to grow, and  they are always looking for more volunteers, with a goal of serving one on one.




Four basic services are provided by FCC.  Friendly visits and phone calls target those who are isolated, lonely, or homebound.  Medical transport is provided by volunteers using their personal vehicles to take residents to doctor appointments, wait for them, and take them home.  Mobile Meals delivers hot meals to about 50 people, totaling 7,633 meals per year.  The Van Program has 6 vans, 3 of which have lifts for wheelchair accessibility.  FCC bought the first van; the next five were acquired using Federal and State grants with the required matching funds supplied by the Town of Carefree, using ALTAP funds which are restricted to transportation. 




Additional services include grocery shopping, respite care, and minor home repairs. Two of the more recently added programs are Friendly Pet Visits with trained therapy dogs, and the medical equipment loan closet done in partnership with Carefree Kiwanis.  Low Vision education is available.  The Health Advocacy Program provides trained volunteers to help those recently released from a hospital or a rehab center but who still need extra care. 




Vice Mayor John Crane asked Ms. Determan to explain the FCC program that partners with Bashas in Carefree.  Ms. Determan said those interested in participating should bring $20 to the Caring Corps. office to purchase a card.  The $20 is then available on that card for use at Bashas.  6% of the purchases made using that card, rather than a normal credit card, are donated to FCC by Bashas.  The card balance can be replenished by the cashier at Bashas by using cash or a regular credit card and adding the amount to the FCC Bashas card.  




Mayor Les Peterson thanked Ms. Determan for her presentation saying, "This community would be substantially diminished without your organization helping it.  Thank you for all you do."  He also said the Town would work with FCC as the Easy Street Condominium building progresses, to find alternative parking for the 6 vans that are now allowed to park on Easy Street near the future condos.




"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

Leo Buscaglia




Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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