Carefree Truth # 458


                                  Carefree Truth

                     Issue #458, February 1, 2016



Mayor Les Peterson reported that 5 participants, one of which was the Town of Carefree, came together in a proposed settlement agreement to close the Liberty Water/Black Mountain Sewer wastewater treatment plant in the Boulders and re-pipe it with new lines going to Scottsdale.  Importantly, the needs of the commercial customers within Carefree are being addressed through the reallocation of some of those fees. 




Also, a light industrial classification is being created that would not be based on water in/water out, and which would permit a brewery to open in Carefree.  If a brewery produced beer that was sold in locations other than Carefree, a different classification is required. 




Mayor Peterson, Vice Mayor John Crane, and Gary Neiss met with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) and received a very favorable response.  The proposed settlement agreement goes before the ACC for their final agreement, and will then be incorporated into a rate case.  The Mayor felt very optimistic.  The ACC understands the concern of the parties involved, and is on the same page. The Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Mr. Neiss were scheduled to meet with the ACC again in mid January.




Councilwoman Melissa Price reported that the Gateways Committee was continuing to work with August Reno, Architects, and structural drawings would ready soon. Once these drawing were finalized, talks with other vendors would commence. 




Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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