Carefree Truth #459
Carefree Truth
Issue #459, February 5, 2016
During Current Events Vice Mayor John Crane announced that the Cave Creek Water Company (CCWC), which is run by the Town of Cave Creek, is soliciting new volunteers to serve on the Water Advisory Committee (WAC). There are approximately 600 Carefree residents who get their water from the CCWC.
The WAC is comprised of citizens whose water is supplied by the CCWC and the Desert Hills Water Company, which is also run by the Town of Cave Creek. It was established to give customers in Cave Creek, Carefree, and Desert Hills the ability to advise and influence the CCWC Board on water related issues.
Previously, there were two representatives from Carefree on the WAC. Currently, Carefree residents have only one representative, Tony Geiger. If would like to participate on the WAC, please contact the CCWC at (602)667-4574, Monday-Thursday, 7 AM-5 PM. Water experience is preferred.
Vice Mayor Crane thanked Carefree/Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce Director of Operations Patty Villeneuve for including the solicitation for WAC volunteers in the Chamber newsletter. He said information would also be included in COINS.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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