Carefree Truth #460


                                Carefree Truth

                   Issue #460, February 8, 2016



Councilwoman Melissa Price made a motion to continue her report of the Gateways Project until Friday, February 12th, at which time she expected to have the finished drawings and the rest of the estimates.  At that time, she would also have stone samples and be able to do a "show and tell" presentation.  Mayor Les Peterson asked the Council members to check their schedules, so a special meeting could be held on or as close to February 12th as possible.  If Vice Mayor John Crane and Councilman Mike Farrar are out of town, they will attend telephonically.  The motion passed unanimously.  It was announced in COINS that the special meeting will take place this Thursday, February 11th, at 3:00 PM in the Council Chambers at 100 Easy Street. 





Mayor Peterson said some goods are missing from Town owned facilities.  A four month supply of soap and paper products for the rest rooms, purchased in mid December, are gone.  A lot of valuable equipment is stored, and the Resolution would restrict control of access to Town owned or leased property to Town staff, and in particular to the Town Administrator.  The Town Clerk will maintain a record of those to whom keys are dispensed.  Councilwoman Price asked if any equipment is missing.  The Mayor replied that only some supplies are gone. The motion to approve restricting control of access passed unanimously.  





Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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