Carefree Truth #462


                                    Carefree Truth

                      Issue #462, February 15, 2016




Councilwoman Melissa Price reported that discussions about gateways began in 2011 because many in the community were unaware of the location of the Carefree business district. They would miss Carefree, driving past to Scottsdale or Cave Creek.  She is convinced the gateways will separate Carefree from the surrounding communities, and will help attract visitors and new businesses by presenting an upscale and quality image. 




The first slide projected on the screen showed the original concept.  The second image should have been the names of the Gateways Committee, but Ms. Price missed including it in the graphics she brought to the meeting, and she apologized for the period of blank screen while she searched unsuccessfully for it.  She reported verbally that the long term Committee members included herself, Councilmen Glenn Miller and Bob Gearhart, staff members Gary Neiss and Stacey Bridge-Denzak, and local business owners Jim Manship, August Reno, Howard Bertram, and Bryan Gold, with Gale Totten joining later.  These local business owners all donated their skills and/or materials to the project.  At this point, the final renderings were projected. 




Mr. Neiss held up the stone samples.  The material for the caps and strips will be the limestone-look concrete on the left. 





The final cost is estimated because the Town is still pursuing contractor bids for lower prices, and is hoping for some further donations of goods and services. 



Mayor Les Peterson thanked the donors, saying it is through the generous donations of goods and services that Carefree is able to do these things that are meaningful to the Town.

The local businesses who contributed a total of $112,597 in services and donations are: Anasazi Stone Company, August Reno Architects, Bertram Signs and Graphics, Cave Creek True Value Building Supply, Desert Foothills Landscaping, Let There Be Light, Manship Builders, and T’s Construction and Development.




Howard Bertram, owner of Bertram Signs, explained that the lettering will be fabricated stainless steel channel letters, 28" high and 5" deep.  They will be electroplated with a titanium/gold color finish similar to the lettering in the Gardens. The background will be dark brown.  Facing Tom Darlington Drive and facing Cave Creek Road, the lettering will read "Carefree".  On the other side of the arch, exiting the commercial district on Wampum Way and on Carefree Drive, the Town logo of the hummingbird will be displayed.





Bryan Gold, owner of Let There Be Light, said that lighting the gateways was a unique challenge, due to the numerous different angles.  It needs to be bright enough to be seen clearly by drivers on the road but not so bright that it washes out, a fine line.  The light source will be hidden in the channel and will not be seen from any angle.  The arch will be up-lit  with light washing across the face of the letters and accenting the scroll work.   The lanterns mounted high up on the columns will have inverted down-lighting to light the sidewalks for safety, and to showcase the texture in the stone columns.  The bottoms of the columns will be washed with soft up-lighting.  The street name signs within the columns will be back-lit.  The gateway lights will come on with the other lights in town. Electrical outlets will be built in, providing the option to hang lit seasonal decorations.  




August Reno, owner of August Reno Architects, said it was nice to give back to the community that had given so much. He described the structural engineering involved.  (See the video for drawing details.)  Both gateways are now the same size, which is more economical.  The  column walls will be made of concrete block, poured solid, with exterior masonry and a hollow interior.Vice Mayor John Crane expressed concern in the event of a vehicular collision at the 25 mph speed limit.  Mr. Reno assured him the columns were sufficiently strong to withstand that type of collision. 




Mayor Peterson felt that the gateways are impressive structures connotative of quality, and that they give the promise of something substantial on the other side.  Mr. Farrar called them "iconic".         




Councilman Mike Farrar asked what color the metal scrollwork would be, and if it would be painted or power coated.  Mr. Reno replied that the color is dark brown and is made of 3/4" structural steel plate.  Ms. Price said they were leaning towards electromagnetic paint like the poles in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion, which Mr. Miller pointed out has held up better than the powder coating on the sundial in the extreme sun.  Mr. Farrar said he was meeting with a commercial painter specializing in painting metal, who was coming to Carefree to look at the sundial, which is beginning to oxidize.  He offered to set up a second meeting to discuss the gateways if Ms. Price and Mr. Miller were amenable.




Mr. Farrar asked if there were any ideas about how much secondary gateways would cost.  Mayor Peterson suggested they wait until after the primary gateways are completed, to see "what's necessary and beneficial".  Mr. Farrar agreed that secondary gateways might provide "diminishing returns", and that perhaps the secondary entries could be enhanced with landscaping rather than structures.  Ms. Price still felt structural secondary gateways should be included in the upcoming budget, "in case".  




Mayor Peterson reminded the Council that some of the money had already been approved and spent on design and on site preparation, and asked Ms. Price if the amount she was requesting was to move ahead and complete the previously approved two primary gateways.  She confirmed that is was, and that the maximum amount requested was $325,014, which included the 15% contingency.  Mr. Farrar asked for an anticipated completion date.  Mr. Miller responded that the gateways and the bike lanes should be completed by mid to late June.  The Council unanimously approved the motion.



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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