Carefree Truth #465


                                Carefree Truth

                   Issue #465, February 26, 2016



Marketing Director Gina Kaegi said the Council must look at this as a marketing investment.  Economic development is a big part of the town's future.  Mrs. Kaegi, a Carefree resident, took this job to make a difference and to be a part of her community.  In Ray Villafane, she found a niche that works for Carefree.  Mr. Villafane's time and materials cost money, but $75,000 for the Pumpkin Festival and $75,000 for the remaining year round commitment of rotating exhibits is a very conservative investment.  He travels a lot, but would make the time and take the effort to be here for 4 specific seasonal events lasting 2-3 weeks.  "He has the ability to live in some pretty cool places.  We want to keep him here." 






Mrs. Kaegi wanted to draw the 25% deposit of $37,500 from this fiscal year's marketing fund to secure Mr. Villafane's services, with the balance coming from the FY 2016/17 marketing budget.  It would bring eyes to the town, and with that she hopes to attract new retail, restaurants, and developers.  That spotlight is needed to build the future of the town.  Some of the events could possibly be ticketed, and corporate sponsorships could be procured that would cover at least 50% of the costs.  She said Ray can deliver whatever Carefree wants, 50,000 people or 500,000 people.  "Just turn the dial." 




Councilman Mike Farrar said he was excited about this; the Pumpkin Festival was a tremendous success.  But he asked for a clearer understanding of what Carefree would get.  Mr. Villafane replied that he plans to do a couple of sand sculptures, with each event lasting 1-2 weeks, during which time he would be in the Garden talking and engaging with people.  The sand sculptures can last up to 3 months when protected under the awnings.  Mr. Farrar then asked, "Will you be doing something daily for the entire year for $75,000?"  Mr. Villafane, responded, "Daily?!", and explained that his presence would revolve around events.  It takes a few weeks for set up after the preliminary work is done in his studio.  He could structure classes and field trips around these. 






Mayor Les Peterson explained that we are not there yet with specifics.  Ray Villafane delivered so much more than was expected during the Pumpkin Festival.  Carefree begins the budget process in the spring, but the commitment to Mr. Villafane must be made now.  He has many alternatives. 




Mrs. Kaegi added that a commitment to him now would encourage Mr. Villafane to put down roots here and make  long term commitments for participation with the town.  "It's a big deal for him to move." 




Mr. Villafane explained that he does jobs all over the world.  The 16 days of the Pumpkin Festival brought great value.  "There is a certain passion or comfort you have when you're creating in your home."  When he was in the Garden last fall, he really felt that.  "If anyone knows me, I'm a very spiritual person.  I follow my instincts; I follow what seems to be right, and the Garden felt right to me.  I feel like there's an opportunity to create some of my best work in this Garden, for this Garden not just to be my portfolio, but to be like something that I really stand behind."




He would utilize the pumpkin element as the cornerstone, since Carefree already has global attention from that.  "I'm not trying to sound cocky or anything, but when I create something, it almost inevitably draws in mass, big attention, not just the local papers.  I think we can create some incredible stuff in this Garden that will have a lasting impression, that can grow and turn this Garden into something much bigger than any single person in this room has an idea about.  I 100% believe it.  I see it in my head already, and it's part of the beginnings of a creative process, and I'm excited about it."  He added that Mrs. Kaegi was not thinking big enough when she thought she could get 50% financing from sponsors.   "The Garden has the potential for much bigger things than any realize." 






Mayor Peterson assured him, "We really want to do something with you", and summarized that what he was hearing was Mr. Villafane needs the assurance of $150,000 over the next year to work with Carefree.  Carefree is looking at it budgetarily, but if the Council gives the assurance Carefree will spend that money to do what was discussed and Ray dreamed, and Carefree releases the funds as we go along during the year, we want to do this.




Councilwoman Melissa Price said she concurred but that she understood Mr. Farrar's concerns, and asked if Mr. Villafane could come back with a more concrete plan in the next month or 2 if it was approved that night.  Mrs. Kaegi responded that they could look at how it fits into the marketing plan when the 12 month marketing strategy is done in March or April.  




Mr. Villafane assured the Council, "I'm looking to invest more than take.  I'm looking to move my family here, to essentially adopt this Garden as my own.  With that, you can guarantee that's the best money that you've ever spent on that Garden.  I guarantee you that."  But he needs a guarantee from Carefree too.   Last year, at the last minute, a large job was postponed until the following year, which is why he was available for the Pumpkin Festival.  He explained that this is the normal time to schedule him for next Halloween.  




I said events with Mr. Villafane could be a great way to bring people to Carefree during the normally slow summer season.  The Mayor agreed, saying that's what they were thinking as well.




The Council unanimously approved the motion to contract for Ray Villafane's services to participate in multiple events during 2016.


(Parts 2 & 3 are both contained in this video.)  



Lyn Hitchon


(Thanks for sending me those neat photos of some sand sculptures you've done in the past, Ray!  As you can see, they were utilized.)




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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