Carefree Truth #466


                                 Carefree Truth

                                     Issue #466, February 29, 2016




Councilman Mike Farrar introduced Chris Camacho, President and CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC), saying that Mr. Camacho has helped many companies relocate into the Valley, creating solid industry jobs of great value.  He then handed the floor to Mr. Camacho. 





Mr. Camacho has been with GPEC for 8 years, serving as the Executive Vice President for 7 of those years.  He explained that GPEC, formed in 1989 to pool resources for inward investment from outside of the state and the country, is a regional economic development entity that develops strategies for the regional economy.  It includes 23 member communities with 4-1/2 million people. Communities participate with one regional strategy for attracting high paying advanced industry jobs.  Residents commute to work, spreading out sales tax dollars between respective communities. 





65% of GPEC's funding comes from private money and 35% is funded by local and county government.  It has assisted more than 630 companies to relocate and expand, bringing $13.4 billion in capital improvements and 110,000 solid industry (as opposed to growth industry, such as construction) jobs to the region.  GPEC provides in-depth market and data analysis, operational cost analysis, international assistance, connectivity to key resources, site selection assistance, and economic impact analysis. 




The focuses are on attracting new solid industry businesses and on helping communities to brand themselves.  A constant stream on social media showcases Carefree's eclectic art scene and events to draw people from around the Valley and beyond, providing a valuable exposure network.  Business and civic leaders participate in the Ambassador Network, different from Chamber of Commerces' business to business model.




Mayor Les Peterson said Carefree joined GPEC in 2015 as part of an effort to increase awareness of the larger community and of companies relocating to the Valley.  Councilwoman Melissa Price asked what industries were anticipated to grow.  Mr. Camacho said they expected to see major increases in healthcare, software/IT, and financial services.  Vice Mayor John Crane felt that the greatest benefit GPEC brings to Carefree is access to their research services, which Carefree can tap into for economic development.  Vice Mayor Crane called the membership fee of $1700 a year a bargain.  Mr. Camacho explained that the fee is based on per capita residents, making it a great deal for the smaller communities.  The same resources are available to all members.  Mr. Farrar pointed out that Council members also have the opportunity to attend educational events and seminars.



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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