Carefree Truth #469


                                    Carefree Truth

                           Issue #469, March 14, 2016




Planning Director Stacey Bridge-Denzak said a minor General Plan amendment, a rezoning, and a preliminary plat plan were approved for the Eastwood subdivision during the November 10th Council meeting.  Keystone has now submitted the final plat plan and the Supplementary Subdivision Improvement Agreement.  The parcel is zoned Residential Unit Plan of Development (RUPD), and includes 39 single family residential lots.  A lot line adjustment has been processed and approved by the Town Engineer.  The final plat plan must be accepted then recorded with Maricopa County prior to the issuance of any further building permit, including the infrastructure permit.  The Improvement Agreement provides for a bond during the construction process.  The final plat plan, which can be viewed at 2:30 in the video, has not changed from the preliminary plat plan.  




There is no vehicular access other than the main entry/exit onto Cave Creek Road.  No cars will cross the surrounding private property. Vice Mayor John Crane questioned additional access for fire.  Mrs. Bridge-Denzak said Rural/Metro had approved the single access, and all homes are required to have built-in sprinkler systems. 




The improvement plans (utilities and drainage) meet Carefree's requirements.  Mayor Les Peterson asked if Liberty/Black Mountain Sewer had approved this as part of their coverage area.  Mrs. Bridge-Denzak said they had, an application had been made to the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), and a docket number had been assigned.




Councilman Mike Farrar asked if a 110% bond is typical for most municipalities.  Mrs. Bridge-Denzak said she could not speak for other communities but it is standard for Carefree.  It covers any issues that might occur.  Mr. Farrar questioned if Keystone had an adverse reaction to it.  Mrs. Bridge-Denzak replied that they did not.  Gary Neiss explained that bond amounts vary from community to community, but that all developers building in Carefree had posted bonds for 110% of the overall cost estimates in the 14 years he has been here.




Councilwoman Melissa Price questioned the part that said no construction could begin until the building permits are approved and paid.  Mrs. Bridge-Denzak again explained that included the infrastructure building permit.  Ms. Price noted the 100 year flood plain in the drainage plan and asked what recourse exists once the builder leaves and turns the development over to the HOA.  Mr. Neiss explained that Carefree is the reviewing agency, and ensures the drainage plan meets the current standards.  If it complies, then the design engineer assumes the responsibility.  This is why a professional engineer is required to seal drainage plans.  Ms. Price asked if that is the Town Engineer.  Mr. Neiss said that would be the developer's engineer.



Ms. Price then asked why any CC&R changes must be submitted to the Town, and asked if this applies to all HOAs. Mr. Neiss replied that many, but not all, HOAs keep the Town abreast of CC&R changes.  These changes are done internally by HOAs, and constitute 3rd party agreements.  The Town does not enforce CC&Rs, which are a contractual agreement between the lot owners and the association.  Carefree "does not have a horse in the race".  Mr Farrar asked what the intent is of Carefree being aware of CC&Rs changes.  Mr. Neiss said it is a matter of communication.  Many new buyers come into Town Hall with questions about Town standards.  The Town can make them aware of CC&Rs as well, and can share what is on file. 




John Traynor thought the 39 structures were laid out with 4 houses per acre.  He noted that the final plat plan shows 8 houses per acre, asked why, and said that is a very different visual.  Mrs. Bridge-Denzak explained that density is calculated using gross acreage.  39 lots divided by 9.5 acres is 4.1 house per acre.  This does not take into account open space and improvements (utilities and streets).  The final plat plan shows the same lot layout as the preliminary plat plan that Mr. Traynor had seen previously.  




Mr. Traynor asked if the developer planned pre-built spec houses or if the lots would be sold and homes build afterwards.  Jeff King, from Keystone, replied it would be a combination of both.  Approximately 4-6 spec homes in various stages of completion would be available, from slabs to finished homes, as well as vacant lots for those who wanted customized homes and choices of location.  Mr. Farrar said that is very typical, and accommodates those people who want to move in sooner.  Vice Mayor Crane asked when Keystone expected to start.  Mr. King anticipated a start date of 30-60 days, as soon as they had the final OK from Liberty/Black Mountain Sewer. 





The Council unanimously approved the final plat plan with the Supplementary Subdivision Improvement Agreement. 



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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