Carefree Truth #475


                                  Carefree Truth

                         Issue #475, April 4, 2016




There was lots of activity in the Carefree Desert Gardens this weekend.  Herbert and I were there on Sunday to join the fun.  The free Sunday concert, sponsored by Bodega 13 Tapas Resto/Bar, featured Marmalade Skies playing Beatles songs.  The Kiwanis Splash Park officially opened on Friday, April 1st, and kids were enjoying the new splash pad, as well as the dry playground equipment at the other end of the Gardens.  Ray Villafane began his first sand sculpture in the Gardens this weekend, and was there doing prep work for the owl and rabbits he will be creating at the western side of the Gardens.  He and his assistant were also placing "balanced rocks" around the sculpture area.  Enjoy Herbert's video of these activities!



Lyn Hitchon


Sunday in Carefree: 4/3/16




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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