Carefree Truth #479


                                 Carefree Truth

                         ssue #479, April 18, 2016




This past Saturday, Pastor Jim Nobel of the Desert Hills Presbyterian Church helmed a touching memorial service for David Schwan.  The church was full of friends who attended to pay their respects to our beloved former Mayor and to show support for his widow Binka.  There wasn't a dry eye in the house during the service.   




Many Council members, both current and past, were there.  All of the Carefree Town Staff members were present, as well as Jon Pearson, retired Town Administrator, and Betsy Wise, retired Town Clerk.  Former Mayor Ed Morgan flew in from Arkansas for the ceremony.




Donna and Lloyd Meyer played the piano, which they have done for many memorial services at the Desert Hills Presbyterian Church, but both admitted this was one of their saddest services.  As always, their playing was moving and lovely.  David personally picked the music they played, and chose the hymns sung and the Scripture passages that were read.  At the end of his life, he organized his own memorial service.  That was so "David".  Thorough to the nth degree.    




Gary Neiss, Debbra Determan, and Arthur Gimson all spoke eloquently of their love of and admiration for David.  Gary, who loved David deeply, broke down in tears during his speech.  Pastor Nobel read a letter given to him by David with the request that he read it at the end of the service, praising Carefree and those with whom he had worked, including the Town Staff.  Even the Pastor broke down at that point, which no one had ever seen him do before.  But because this was a Celebration of David's life, there was laughter mixed with the tears. 




Herbert was going to take some still photos at the reception, but at the urging of Donna and Lloyd Meyer he brought the video camera as well as his still camera, and filmed the service.  He put his still camera into video mode and used it to film the speakers at the front of the church, using the video camera to get a broad view that included the audience.  Because he still works full time, it will take him a week or so to put that video together using footage from both cameras.  The video will include the full service and be over an hour long.  We had originally planned to do it just for David's family, but Binka gave her blessing to share it with all of you who couldn't be there but wish to see it. 




But Herbert did put together a short 3:12 video using the still photos he took before the service and afterwards at the reception so you can get a flavor of the Celebration of David's Life.  He pulled one of the scenes showing the actual service from the video camera using a Screen Shot, which is why that photo in the video has a lower resolution. 




The food at the reception was generously donated by Alberto Ristorante, Carefree Bistro, Harold's, and Venues Cafe.  The desserts were provided by Judie Preston,  Myra Sherriff and their team of kind ladies who belong to the church.  




Enjoy the video!


Celebrating The Life Of David Schwan: 4/16/16


Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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