Carefree Truth #480
Carefree Truth
Issue #480, April 22, 2016
Donna Meyer on the piano and Lloyd Meyer on the organ played beautiful music, chosen by David, for the David Schwan Celebration of Life Memorial Service at the Desert Foothills Presbyterian Church on April 16. Gary Neiss, Debbra Determan, and Arthur Gimson spoke. Pastor Jim Noble delivered a lovely service which included readings of Scriptures chosen by David. At the end of the service, Pastor Noble read a personal note from David thanking his fellow Council members and most of all the extraordinary Town Staff. Pastor Noble choked up while reading the note, something no one had ever seen him do before.
Although Herbert had originally recorded this just for the immediate family, Binka graciously asked us to share it with our readers because several people had told her they wanted to see it. Click on the video below to watch the full service.
Celebrating The Life of David Schwan - Memorial Service: 4/16/16
Lyn and Herbert Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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