Carefree Truth #481


                                 Carefree Truth

                       Issue #481, April 25, 2016




Councilwoman Melissa Price announced that the splash pad officially opened on April 1st.  The footers for the Gateways, under project management by Manship Builders, with Councilman Glenn Miller representing the Town, will be poured first week of May.  Gary Neiss and Mr. Miller are getting bids on electrostatic painting for the sundial renovation.  The 4 existing plaques on the sundial are being combined into 2, and replaced with cast bronze plaques that will last longer in the Arizona sun.  These plaques have been approved by Kiwanis.




Mayor Les Peterson reported that the Scottsdale Council unanimously approved the Resolution to accept and process the entire wastewater output from Carefree once the Boulders sewer plant is decommissioned.  The rate case hearing is on the April agenda of the Arizona Corporation Commission.  Assuming approval, the implementation of the new rates will take place within 2 months. This will be very beneficial to commercial accounts, and particularly to Carefree restaurants.   




Mr. Neiss reported that although a tentative agreement had been reached with the Lutheran Retreat, the number of

events they now have booked presents a conflict and they will not be able to host Carefree government meetings.  Mr. Neiss contacted local churches but these didn't feel that government meetings were a good fit for them.  The YMCA, Paradise Valley Community College (PVCC), and the Carefree Resort were also contacted.  The Y and the Resort have offered competitive prices.  He is still waiting to hear from PVCC.  He expects to have respective costs and a more tangible plan next month.  No matter which location is utilized, the cost will be much lower than the $50,000 a year that the Town is paying for the current space. 




Councilman Mike Farrar questioned the venues of the Y and PVCC being outside of Carefree.  Mr. Neiss pointed out that the Holland Center, which houses both, is only a couple hundred feet outside of Carefree.  The Town contributed significantly towards the capital campaigns of both organizations.  They are considered to be community assets and are part of a community partnership.  Mr. Miller asked what the Resort was quoting.  Mr. Neiss said they quoted $500 a month to host Council and P&Z meetings, but stressed that none of these commitments were in writing yet, and that negotiations are still taking place.  




Councilman Bob Gearhart asked for an update on the Bike Lane Project.  Mr. Miller reported that it was expected to be finished in 2 weeks, and then the slurry sealing would begin. 




Lyn Hitchon 




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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