Carefree Truth #487


                                  Carefree Truth

                                              Issue #487, May 20, 2016




Vice Mayor John Crane noted that the bike lanes project was nearly completed and asked Gary Neiss for an update.  Mr. Neiss reported that the slurry seal had been applied, making the roads nice and uniform.  The permanent thermal plastic striping, which is thicker and more substantial, would be applied in a couple of weeks, after the slurry cures, then the reflectors would be placed.




The Vice Mayor announced that the Carefree Basha's will be undergoing a major remodeling this summer, beginning in July.  It is expected to be completed by the end of October, and will include a Starbucks.  He said it constitutes a real vote of confidence in the town.  Mayor Les Peterson added that there would be a salad bar, a sandwich bar and a sushi bar.  Basha's is considering ice cream, and an outdoor grill for hamburgers and hot dogs on a covered patio with seating.  The work will be done at night, and the store will remain open during the day.




Gina Kaegi told the Council that Ray Villafane will be back in Carefree from May 15th through the 25th, working on a 20 ton sand sculpture in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion.  Since the Pavilion is covered, the sculpture is expected to last throughout the summer, so people who come to the splash pad can see the sand sculpture.  Every weekend, the Kona Ice Truck will be at the splash pad starting May 14th until the end of summer. Camps are coming to the splash pad, and numerous events have been scheduled for the splash pad.  The sand sculpture provides an additional draw.  Ray will be bringing in a couple of other talented sculptors to work with him in the sand.




Councilwoman Melissa Price reported that the steel for the gateways has been ordered after the lowest price was established by Manship Builders.  The footers will be dug the week of May 9th.




Mayor Peterson reminded people that the elections for Carefree Mayor and Council are approaching.  Those interested in running can obtain a packet at either Carefree Town Hall or they can be downloaded online at




The Mayor reported that the ACC approved the final Liberty Water/Black Mountain Sewer proposal at the rate case hearing in April.  This application involved 1) restructuring the rates making them more equitable between commercial and residential use, which was particularly beneficial to the restaurants, 2) a special rate that would allow a potential brewery/restaurant to locate in Carefree, and 3) the decommissioning of the antiquated plant in the Boulders and the rerouting of the wastewater to Scottsdale, resulting in significant savings for commercial accounts, particularly restaurants.  Implementation was expected in June.




Mr. Neiss said a Planning and Zoning hearing would be held on May 9th.  Proposed zoning text amendments would clarify how residential building heights are measured and would return commercial building heights from 24' to a maximum of 30'.  The historic height was 30', and many of the existing buildings in the downtown are that height.  When the height was reduced to 24', it created a disincentive.  Ms. Price asked if code based form was being considered.  Mr. Neiss replied that it was not part of the proposed text amendment.  



Lyn Hitchon




Prepared by Carefree Truth

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