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Carefree’s updated general plan OK’d


By Sonja HallerThe Republic | azcentral.comWed Nov 7, 2012 11:35 AM

Carefree voters overwhelming ratified the town’s general plan this week

Voters approved the updated plan, which sets goals for the town’s growth and development through 2030, with 74 percent of the vote. The final vote was 822 for ratifying the plan, or 74 percent, to 287 or 25 percent voting against the plan.

The updated general plan emphasized maintaining the semi-rural environment while increasing business and promotion in the town’s center as the population grows to 4,500 by 2030. The Carefree Planning and Zoning Commission spent two years revising the plan before the Town Council approved it in May.

The general plan also designated the northeast corner of Cave Creek Road and Carefree Highway as a special planning area. The 220 acres has historically been developed as low density residential. But the general plan states that the recent rezoning of nearby areas in neighboring Scottsdale and Cave Creek to more commercial uses may require a rezoning to non-residential land use or different residential uses.

Town administrator Gary Neiss said if that happens, the updated plan also makes clear that the area’s natural wash would be protected and nearby residents would retain a buffer from development.

Mayor David Schwan said the plan “keeps Carefree, Carefree” and praised the addition of an expanded economic element.

Among the general plan’s goals:

Support economic development policies and projects that make the Town Center a more attractive place to live, work and visit. Also, support programs to market Carefree, including the Carefree Desert Gardens as the town’s nucleus.

Increase the Town’s inventory of natural open space preserves.

Encourage a broader diversity of compatible businesses in the Town Center with an emphasis on retail business.

Further develop pedestrian corridors to connect surrounding residential areas and local destinations.

Promote alternative modes of transportation, such as pedestrian and bicycle travel.

Maintain washes and floodplains in their natural state.