Letter from a reader - Arthur Gimson/Caring Corps.
Attention Don Sorchych:
Dear Don:
While I am addressing this to you, I doubt that it will be published. In the past, you have labeled me a Good Old Boy even though I am not a member of the Kiwanis Club, nor a member of a golf club, and only lived in Carefree for less than six years. You have also called me a “Sarcastic Brit”.
Last week’s article about the $7,300 thank you letter from Debbra Determan sends the wrong signal, but I guess that it is all part of your campaign to support John Traynor with innuendoes and distorted information.
The Caring Corps is a really great organization that should not be dragged into your petty-mindedness. With extremely limited fulltime employees (three, I think) and a huge team of dedicated volunteers, they perform tremendous work including Mobile Meals and Medical Transportation. You may know that I am one of 400 volunteers that assists many area residents, some who would not be able to get out of their homes. Each month, I make between three and five van trips, picking up housebound “neighbors” and taking them to a variety of Valley destinations, from the Desert Foothills library, to the Good Egg. I have two more van trips scheduled for later this week. The neighbors, whether it be as a result of failing eyesight or other physical limitation are often unable to drive and would otherwise be without any form of social interaction. Many studies reflect an enhanced quality of life from socialization.
In past years, the Towns of Cave Creek and Carefree have each donated funds to the Caring Corps, I believe each town gave $25,000 from their own revenues. Recently, tough economic times resulted in no charitable donations from the municipalities. The Caring Corps is doing its best to expand it programs to meet increased requests and deserves all possible support.
As I understand things, the $7,300 amount was a combination of Arizona Lottery grant monies of nearly $5,500 and $1,800 from the Town of Carefree. $1,800 is significantly below the $4,000 threshold amount that requires Council approval. I also understand that the Town of Cave Creek has also made a contribution to the Caring Corps along similar lines.
The Sonoran News would be a better publication if it spent more time supporting charitable causes and service organizations and less time being critical and negative.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur Gimson
Carefree, AZ, 85377