Letter from Lloyd Meyer to J.D. Hayworth, re: Sorchych “award”.
J.D. Hayworth
Candidate for U.S. Senate
Dear Mr. Hayworth,
Don Sorchych, who publishes a failing tabloid in Cave Creek, stated in his last non print edition that you publicly expressed your appreciation for him during a March 4 event sponsored by an organization using the name "Republican Professionals", put together by Ryan Ducharme who is described as its National President & Co-Founder. Messrs. Sorchych and Ducharme are well known in our area, having most recently participated in a failed attempt to recall Carefree Mayor David Schwan after only 26 days in office. Mayor Schwan, a retired business executive of 40 years with the Ford Motor Company, has an exemplary record of volunteer service to our community, and the recall was soundly rejected by our citizens. This was a clear abuse of the recall process, as confirmed by the Editorial Board of the Arizona Republic and League of Arizona Cities and Towns, and cost our town thousands of dollars.
Mr. Ducharme's previous foray into our town, again supported by Mr. Sorchych, was to head an extensive campaign in an effort to elect the infamous David Burnell Smith to our Town Council. Mr. Smith, as you may recall, distinguished himself as the first legislator in the nation to be removed from office for breaking state public campaign finance laws as upheld by the Arizona Supreme Court. Mr. Ducharme, of course, failed in that effort as well. It will be interesting to the voters in our community why you have aligned yourself with Chandler resident Ducharme and Cave Creek resident Sorchych, in their assaults on our community, and why you would headline an event that honors their conduct with what was described as a "Patriot Award".
The Republicans were fond of raising the old cliché "you are known by the company you keep", when trying to draw similarities between President Obama and his spiritual advisor, Jeremiah Wright and others. Well, Mr. Hayworth, it works both ways. Our citizens have rejected the kind of civic irresponsibility and lack of ethics represented by your associates, and will reject you and your "Republican Professionals" as well.
Please remove my name from your solicitation efforts.
Lloyd Meyer